Chapter 5

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They rush to the hospital to know what actually happened to Vishnu and Arvind. As soon as they reach the hospital they go to the reception and ask about them, receptionist guides them to the police "Ma'am Sir it's an accident case so please talk to the police", Krishna and Madhu nod while Geet follows them mechanically. Krishna asks the police as to what happened, "There were some boys who were racing on the roads with their bikes, they both were just coming out from the shop after buying cake I guess when one of the boy's bike hit them...I'm sorry we brought them as soon as possible but we lost them due to excessive blood loss....I know it's a big loss and it's not easy loosing two people at the same time...we will make sure the boys are punished for their deed" Krishna smiles sadly "What's the point of punishing them when it won't bring back my son and brother...what will happen to this girl who just got married to my son some months ago and now has lost him at such a young age...and also her father the only family she had" Police looks down "We are sorry sir", Madhu's eyes pours tears the whole time while Geet was in a trance state not saying anything.

Both their bodies were taken back home and their last rites were performed, Geet had not shed a single drop of tear after her break down at their home, she was doing everything as told mechanically, nobody could understand what she was going through she had gone completely silent not talking to anyone. People were talking "She must be the reason why it happened...her mother died when she was her husband and father...she is definitely unlucky" "Oh yeah that too everything happens in the same day...guess the day she was born is cursed" "Something or the other happens to whoever gets attached to her" "Had Vishnu married my daughter he would have been alive...poor Vishnu and his bad luck of a wife that he had to loose his life at such a young age". Madhu and Krishna were shocked to see people talking such things about Geethanjali, they were angry as people's gossiping increased.

One day, Madhu and Arvind called all their relatives and friends who were speaking ill of Geethanjali to their home, "What happened Madhu you called us all of a sudden" "Yeah suddenly you called us...any problem". Geet had gone to her house to fetch some of her dad's things, when she comes back she sees a lot people sitting in the living room, as soon as she sees those people everything they had said comes rushing back into her mind and her eyes well up with tears, she was about to go to her room but Madhu stops her, "Maa I'll be in my room" Madhu caresses her cheeks "No you will be you are going to face them baby...till now I had let it go thinking that they will stop but their gossips seem never ending...that's why I and your Nanna called them here", one of them asks Madhu and Krishna "Arre she is still here...she doesn't have any relationship with you na now...then why don't you tell her to go...this girl is cursed that's why everyone she loves leaves her...see because of her we lost Vishnu at such a young age". Tears flow from Geethanjali's eyes, Madhu and Krishna's anger reaches the peak when they hear that "Shut up just shut up...I've heard enough of all...we both called you all here to make one thing clear...Geethanjali is our daughter get that through your thick brains...and whatever happened was an accident only the boys who were racing are to be blamed not my daughter isn't unlucky cursed or whatsoever you guys were spitting...that's why we both called you all to tell you all that to keep your shit away from me, my husband and my daughter...if I so as hear something about my daughter you will see the worst side of me" Krishna also joins Madhu "If you have understood what my wife said you all can leave...we didn't call you all to give you a party that you have come dressed up so much...I wish all your thinking was also great like your dressing but what to do seems like your thinking is just all think when a person leaves us the relationship also ends but no relationship are not made on paper they are made with love and connection of hearts...and my brother has left her with me...(he caresses her hair)...she is my daughter and I'll make sure to protect her from everyone and all can go to hell with your opinions and stay away from my all can leave now". After they all leave, Geethanjali hugs both of them and cries her heart out.


Madhu "From that day she started living for us...but the old happy, chirpy Geet is lost...she became silent and has built so much walls around her that she doesn't let anyone in...Geet who was called as kumbkaran by her dad now only sleeps for 3-4 hours...though she doesn't show anyone I know those people's gossiping still affects her...deep down she is broken still...she is scared of getting attached to anyone thinking they might leave her...that's why she maintains her distance with everyone...I know she is strong but she is too young to face this world all alone and only love can heal my daughter...but whenever I or Krishna try to talk about marriage she runs away from the topic". Roshini's eyes were filled with tears hearing everything that happened "Wow...she is one strong girl if she has gone through so much at such a to young age...and you both are the best family she could get...I promise you I will take care of her just like my daughter but you should know about my family so you can think about this relationship". Madhu nods indicating her to go ahead, Roshini "I have two sons, my elder one is Vikrant, he is a neurologist and my younger one is Ajay he handles Sunshine Resorts husband left me for another woman when my Ajju was 10 years old, my 10 year old Ajju grew up too fast seeing all the fights and quarrelling that took place during our separation...he doesn't believe in marriage and love...he thinks they are waste of time...even after seeing that his brother is happily married he isn't ready to get married...I know only when he falls in love with the right woman he will be able understand love is that emotion which he cannot control....and not all marriages end up like mine".

Madhu looks at her "Ajay definitely needs to know that love is essential in everyone's life...but If Ajay doesn't believe in marriage and Geet runs away from the topic how are we going to get them married", Roshini "I don't want them to get married now" Madhu looks at her shocked as to why she is refusing now, Roshini looks at her Madhu "Arre you didn't let me finish...they need to learn to love...I want them to fall for each other...then we can get them married...but for that they would have to said Geethanjali is a teacher in primary school right" Madhu "Yes but Geet is also an interior designer...she freelances" Roshini smiles "Geet is an interior designer...this is amazing...Ajay is looking for a designer for the Mahaballipuram project..." Madhu interrupts her "Ahh that's what Geet was preparing for...Geet has gone to submit her designs to your office only" Roshini smiles "Looks like their meet is already planned...let's see what happens...I will check with Anushka his PA to know who he is choosing" Madhu also smiles "Okay...but please if Ajay doesn't choose Geet's designs don't force him...she doesn't like influencing anyone into doing something...we can think of some other way" Roshini "Even Ajju doesn't agree for such thing I'm sure of is that they both need to learn to love...Geethanjali to overcome her fear and Ajay to know that not all love ends up breaking people's heart"

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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