Chapter 18

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The next day, Ajay reaches office and was working in his cabin when Kanishka enters the office, she goes directly to the reception and asks for Geet's cabin "Where is the new designer's cabin", Receptionist "It's in the sixth floor Ma'am but...", As soon as she hears that she leaves from there, "...but she won't be here till Afternoon", the receptionist shakes her head "She didn't even listen fully". Kanishka goes to Geet's cabin but the lights were off and no one was there, she goes to Vidisha's cabin which was next to Geet's "Where is this new designer of yours...she isn't in office yet" Vidisha looks at Kanishka "No KT she comes only by afternoon" Kanishka looks at her shocked "Ajay allowed that?" Vidisha smirks seeing her shocked "Yes", nobody liked Kanishka because she was always disrespectful towards her team, never listens to their suggestions and always thinks of herself as superior to others. She leaves from there and goes to Ajay's cabin "Ajay I want to talk to you", Ajay responds to her without looking up from his laptop "Yes what is it Kanishka" Kanishka "What is this I'm hearing let your new designer...Gee...I... Whatever her name is...she comes only by afternoon and you allowed that" Ajay still keeps looking at his laptop "Yeah she works as a teacher in a school so she come by afternoon..when I don't have a problem with that you also shouldn't...anyway once Ms.Iyer is here I need to talk to you you can go and start your designs...I have a meeting to attend", Ajay leaves from his cabin for a meeting while Kanishka stands there fuming.

Kanishka always clings to Ajay thinking one or the other time she can woo him but he always ignores her, she wanted him for his looks and his status, she thought with him she can become one of the best interior designers in the country. This new designer why is Ajay giving so much opportunity and importance to her...he has never done that to me...huh! This girl needs to know her limits...Ajay is mine...she should know that she shouldn't even try anything with my Ajay...Just because I was in London during the starting of this project he recruited someone else...had that not been the case only I would have been the designer...this new designer whatever her name is wouldn't have even come into the would have been only me and my Ajay...soon that will also happen.

Soon Geet arrives to the office, as soon as Kanishka gets to know about her arrival she goes to Geet's cabin, "Miss new designer" Geet shakes her head "Geethanjali Iyer", Kanishka rolls her eyes "I don't care...I just came here to tell you that Ajay is mine...don't have any hopes just because Ajay has given you permission to work from afternoon...and to let you know Ajay never would have never selected another designer had I been in India...just because I was out of the country on a vacation he recruited a new designer... remember that and don't try anything with Ajay...anyway you have resigned right don't worry soon you'll be out of the office and his life because all the board of directors know me and like me the get ready to leave" Geet just shakes her head at Kanishka as if it didn't matter to her but her heart was burning when Kanishka keeps addressing Ajay as hers "As you know I have resigned do you think I would care...I'm neither dying to work with him nor am I dying to be in this office or his life...I'll gladly leave if the board of directors say so...and I'm definitely not interested in Mr.Chowdhary...if you are done you can leave...I have some work to do", Kanishka leaves from there fuming with her reply. Geet was in dilemma, her heart was burning when Kanishka addressed Ajay as her Ajay and also thinking that Ajay wouldn't have recruited anyone had she not gone out of the country, is it true...did he hire me just because she wasn't there...then he should let me go right now that she is here but he didn't that means what she said isn't true right...but why am I thinking about this I shouldn't...please not again...anyway I have resigned it shouldn't matter...but it matters to me...he matters to me🥺 matter how hard I try...what do I do.

She was in deep thoughts when the phone in her cabin rings, she picks it up "Ms.Iyer in my cabin now", and he cuts the call. She goes to his cabin and finds Kanishka already there, she was again clinging to Ajay but this time Ajay neither looked uncomfortable nor was trying to get himself out of her hold, she was also leaning her head on his shoulder yet he wasn't saying anything, it irks Geet and pricks her heart, she tries not to show it on her face but her blazing eyes reveals everything to Ajay and he smiles to himself, "Ms.Iyer like I said yesterday the board of directors will decide if you can be relieved or you should continue still if they don't like Kanishka's designs...the meeting will happen tomorrow", Kanishka looks at him "Offo Ajay you know right they all love me...they won't even say another should just tell her to pack her things and get ready to leave", Ajay rolls his eyes thinking, she is so irritating just to get a reaction out of my Geet I'm tolerating her...had that not been the case...she would have been out of my office long ago for saying such full of herself she is...and she hasn't seen my Geet's designs...had she seen them she would know she doesn't stand a chance in front of her, Ajay was about to say something when Geet beats him to it, Geet was irritated with her continuosly trying to show that she is better than everyone "If you are so confident then we will see tomorrow whose designs are better...why do you have to keep repeating the same thing again and again don't you get tired of trying to show off...I was going to give it up easily but after hearing you trust me you are in for a tough competition...and trust me I will definitely break this self obsession of yours", saying this she leaves from his cabin.

Ajay smiles still looking at her retreating figure, Oh my...She is fire...tigress is the right name for her...this is one thing I admire about her...she stands up for herself no matter who it is, Kanishka was fuming "How could you let her talk to me like that full of attitude she do you even tolerate her" he pulls away from her "It's not her full of's you...if you really think the board of directors will just like that give you the post then you are wrong...if you really want to be the designer you should prove yourself and trust me she is one amazing designer and competing with her is definitely you better make your best designs if you want to stand a chance" Kanishka looks at him shocked as he has not praised any of his designers the way he is saying about her but she composes herself, "Fine I'll prove it tomorrow that I'm the best" and she leaves from his cabin. Ajay goes to his cabin's balcony, Geet you are fierce...the way you spoke to Kanishka..and your eyes blazing on seeing her cling to me...that fire in your eyes that was trying to burn me down...I'm all ready to burn in this fire for your love Geet...I now understood that you feel something for me...this is more than enough for me to make you confess your feelings.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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