Chapter 64

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At night once Ajay made sure that Geet was fast asleep, he wakes up and tiptoes out of the bedroom to the living room where everyone was waiting for him, Geet's parents had stayed back as it is her birthday the next day. He was making everyone blow up balloons, Vish looks at him just standing near the door without doing anything "Excuse me Mr.Ajay we here are blowing up balloons for your wife's birthday what are doing standing there", Ajay looks at her "I'm waiting for the cake...her favorite chocolate cake", Vish "Fine come and blow balloons till her cake comes", Ajay glares at her "If they ring the bell the sleeping beauty will wake up and all this surprise would be spoiled", everyone smiles. Soon the delivery guy arrived with the cake, he was about to press the bell when Ajay notices him and stops him, he takes the cake from him after paying for it and goes back inside. The whole living room was filled with balloons🎈 and they arrange the cake on a table, Ajay goes back to the room and lights up candles all around their room🕯️. Just 10 minutes were left for it to strike 12, he sets an alarm in his phone and puts his phone near her ear and goes out of the room.

Just as the clock strikes 12, the alarm rings waking up Geet, she looks on the other side of the bed and finds it empty, she calls out for Ajay "Ajay...Ajay...". Getting no response she gets up and sees that there are candles lit up everywhere in their room, why are there so many candles lit up...where is Ajay, she checks the bathroom and balcony not finding him there she goes down searching for him, she keeps calling him "Ajay...Ajay...Ajay where are you", she goes down to the living room, she steps on of the balloons and it bursts, she gets scared and she was about to switch on the torch of her phone when the lights of the living room turn on and everyone shouts "Happy birthday Geet". That's when she remembers it's her birthday, along with her birthday she also remembers it's the death day of her mom, dad and Vishnu, without giving her time to react everyone hug her and wish her so that she won't think about the past.

Once everyone wishes her Ajay goes near her and hugs her "Happy birthday my love", she was not responding to anyone properly, he holds her hand and takes her the table where the cake was kept. Seeing the cake tears roll down from her eyes involuntarily, he hugs her as soon as he sees tears in her eyes "No love...don't's your birthday should be happy...see Mumma, dad and Vishnu wouldn't be happy seeing you cry...they would always want to see you no crying", she nods, Madhu and Krishna hugs her "Geethu papa (child)...Vishnu, Arvind and Anjali would be happy only if they see you celebrating your birthday no crying ma...we love you baby and they too love you", she nods and wipes her tears. Everyone smiles "Come on now cut the cake", she smiles and cuts the cake and feeds it to everyone. Roshini "Now that everyone's wished her and eaten the cake...go to your room and leave the love birds alone", everyone goes back to their room leaving Ajay and Geet alone in the living room.

Ajay takes her to their room and makes her sit on the bed, though she had been smiling there was a sadness still there behind her smile "Hey Mrs.Ajay don't be sad...look at me...come here", he takes her to the balcony and stands behind her back hugging her "look up there...see the stars shining brightly...that's Mumma, dad and Vishnu, look at them shining so brightly see even they are also wishing you...if they see you are sad they would also become sad and loose their you want them to shine bright or loose their shine", she looks at the stars and replies "I want them to shine bright", he smiles looking at her "Then smile love...that's what makes them shine bright...your happiness is the key to their shine". She turns around and hugs him "Thank you Jaan...for this surprise", he was happy hearing 'jaan' from her after so many days. He kisses her forehead, "I love you Geethu", he takes her inside their room, she hugs him again and cries her heart out "I love you too Ajay", he pulls away from her and wipes her tears and kisses both her cheeks sucking her tears, he leans in closer and his lips brush with hers, she shivers at the contact, he keeps sucking her lips, she responds back to him with equal fervour. She pulls him closer while kissing him, he chuckles at her "Slow down love", she pulls back and hits his chest glaring at him and goes and lies down on the bed. He smiles and lies down next to her pulling her into him, she pushes him but he pulls her closer she mutters "Idiot" and cuddles into him, he smiles hugging her closer "Happy birthday Mrs.Ajay", she smiles burying her face into his chest.

They both wake up in the morning as usual, they have their breakfast and they both leave from home. Geet looks at him "Where are we going Ajay", Ajay chuckles at her as she had been asking the same question to him ever since he had told her get ready "Patience wife patience", she turns her face away from him and mutters to herself "irritating cute idiot", he smiles hearing her. He first takes her to the place which she visits on each and every birthday of hers, that is to see her mom, she was happy seeing the place "Thank you Ajay", Ajay smiles "You go talk to Mumma and come...I'll wait here", Geet goes in and puts the flowers he had brought there, "Mumma today I'm happy...I'm happy with my Ajay...Ajay is the best decision of my life Maa❤️...I hope you, dadda and Vishnu are happy with this decision of mine...I love you all always❤️ I don't have any complaints or sorrow to share with's all because of Ajay Mumma...thank you Mumma dadda and Vishnu for guiding me💖...I know you never let me leave Ajay in any situation when I was asking you to help me stay away from all are the best❤️...and I know you all will continue to be with me💖". She talks to her Mumma and goes from there to Ajay who was waiting for her in the car, he then takes her to the NGO, they spend most of the day with the kids, she was very happy to spend time with the kids and then go back home.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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