Chapter 53

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Geet had spoken with Kailash and asked him to meet her tomorrow and informed the same to Vish but there was one thing Geet hadn't informed Vish, it was about Kailash, she didn't know what would be Vish's reaction because she herself didn't know how to react to this piece of news. One thing she was sure that nobody knew his side of the story completely, with whatever she had heard about him, she had a completely different image painted of him, a man who didn't care about his family and left them hanging just because he couldn't stay with one woman, but when she saw him in their reception, that pain in his eyes on seeing Ajay was enough to show her that he isn't what she thought him to be and if he really cares for everyone and loves them all she was sure to unite her family.

The next day, Geet and Vish as planned inform at home that they are going shopping, leave to meet Aakash and Kailash. Ajay had been whining to accompany Geet but the minute they had said that they were going shopping he shut his mouth. Geet and Vish were waiting for them in the cafeteria of the mall, soon Kailash walks in, Vish was shocked to see Kailash and she turns to Geet "Kailash is his son", Vish was shocked even more hearing this, Kailash smiles a little "Hey Vish, hey Geet...what Geet said is partially true...I'm his son but not technically". Both Geet and Vish look at him confused, Kailash "I know it's all confusing let me start from the beginning" Geet interrupts him "Where is Aakash uncle", Kailash "He won't come...he doesn't know that I'm meeting you...had he known that I'm meeting you he would have made me promise him that I would not tell you the truth" Vish huffs "About his betrayal...we all know that...please...after all that he did do you think anyone will be ready to forgive please no drama". Geet tries stopping Vish while Kailash looks at Vish sadly "Only if you knew that all information about his betrayal is not true and that he was framed", Geet and Vish were shocked.

Aakash Mathur was one of the finance managers in Sunshine Group, Roshini's father, Narasimha Chowdhary was the CEO of Sunshine Group and Roshini the Managing Director. The CFO of Sunshine Group was retiring and being the most promising employee Aakash was made the CFO from which he started working directly with Roshini. Soon they both fell in love with eachother, their parents also gave a nod to their relationship but then the society doesn't accept so easily especially when both are from different classes of the society. The relatives and friends of the Chowdhary's tried to instigate them against Aakash and his family saying all this is for money, hearing all that Aakash was even ready to resign from Sunshine office but Roshini's father stops him saying that they trust him. They soon got married and were happily leading their life with their two children, Vikrant and Ajay but then life is not always a bed of roses.

As their responsibilities in office increased with Roshini's father retirement, they weren't getting much time to spend with eachother, their small fights one day resulted in an big argument. They weren't talking properly since then even though they were yearning to be with eachother, after a week's time they made up and were fine with eachother again and promised eachother that no matter how busy they were they would always take out time to spend with the family. Later, one weekend Aakash had met up with his friends at a resort, they all were at the pub for the night, all his friends were having whiskey while he was drinking his usual coke, all his friends ask him why didn't he take them to the Sunshine resort, Aakash "Yaar that's the place I work in...and it's run by my wife...I don't want any special treatment there that's why I booked it in a different place", they all were chatting late into the night, Roshini already knew that he won't be back as the friends were having a weekend out. Aakash was feeling light-headed all of a sudden, he excuses himself and retires to his room.

The next morning when he wakes up he finds a woman lying next to him, she was wearing his shirt and their clothes were scattered on the floor, he was shocked, he tried to remember what happened in the night but he wasn't able to recall anything, he just remembered sitting and talking with his friends after that his mind was completely blank. He wakes up the woman lying next to him, "Who are you...what happened did this happen", the woman was in her late 20s, she looks at him smiling "We met at the pub last night remember... I'm Manisha...I think you don't remember because you were drunk", Aakash was shocked "Look...I don't drink...please don't joke...look I don't remember anything and this I...I don't..." Manisha smiles "Hey hey don't get tensed...look it was just a one night no tension" Aakash was still not able to digest that he could do something like that when he loved Roshini more than anyone "Look I love my wife a please don't... don't...I don't know how did I let this even happen....", Manisha "Calm down I said it was just for a night so don't be so tensed..." Aakash was still panicking " do you know my name", Manisha smiles "You are the face of Sunshine Group now...who doesn't know you...don't worry I won't tell anyone about this" Aakash was still not able to understand how he did such a thing "Hmmm". Manisha changes into her clothes and leaves from the room while he sits there holding his head thinking how could he have let this happen, How did this even happen... why can't I remember anything... Roshini🥺 am I going to face her...what have I done...even if I was in an intoxicated state how could I do this...I hate myself for this...I can never forgive myself for this...Roshini will never forgive me🥺. He was not able to think anything except that he cheated on his wife, his friends were having fun while he was completely lost thinking and trying to recall what happened the night before, not being able to distract himself he informs his friends and goes back home but he was still not sure how to face Roshini. In the initial days he distances himself from Roshini and the boys, not being able to face them, he even tries telling about it to Roshini but was scared that she might leave him, he didn't want to get separated from his family by any chance. As days passed by he starts to forget about the incident and was gradually becoming his old self.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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