6. A Normal Day Includes...

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The Joker:
Almost every day is different with him, in a good way! Somedays you two just enjoy each other's company and watch a movie, but others are spent ticking off the mob, plotting robberies, and sometimes there is a little bit of murder, crazy right?
On Sunday night's (and by night I mean around 1 am) he usually takes you somewhere special and romantic just so you two can spend time together alone and away from the madness, but when you're with the Joker you're never fully away from the madness.

Dr Jonathan Crane:
He's usually pretty busy, so you spend a lot of time alone, but when you do have time to spend with each other, you both make sure it's worth it. When he is around you don't like being separated for two long, because you know that you have to enjoy every second with him, so you follow him everywhere! But he doesn't mind, you two also have been working on a 1000 piece puzzle, which is way harder then it sounds.

Roman Sionis:
He ALWAYS insist on spending more time together, but you basically live with him! You can't think of a lot of moments when you are apart, maybe
when using the bathroom but that's about it. He likes to show you off at his club to everyone, and he gives you the inside scoop of his favorite pass time, peeling faces. Yay? Somedays are harder then others, he gets stressed out very easily, and he is known to act out, but you know he can't really help it, but when he does, he tells you how much he loves you to make up for it.

Two Face:
He doesn't like to go out much, so you two spend a lot of time together! He loves to watch true crime documentaries, and he's made you obsessed with them to, so a normal day usually includes binge watching. Even though he doesn't leave the house, he is also sort of busy, he plots A LOT and he usually gives you the run down and he ask for advice. You two aren't the cuddly type of couple, you both love each other, and you both show it in different ways.

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