40. He Accidently Makes You Feel Insecure

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The Joker:
As you know, The Joker has a knack for telling pretty edgy jokes. But sometimes they can be insulting. He made a joke about your weight, he didn't mean it at all but you don't know any better. You glare at him and go into a room far away from the one he's in and look at yourself in the mirror. After about an hour of you hiding he realizes why your so upset and so he goes to you and makes jokes about himself. You tell him to stop because you don't want him to hurt his own feelings but he won't until you kiss him.

Dr Jonathan Crane:
It happens over time. Little things that he does leads to you feeling really insecure. He would make comments about other girls that in your mind were way prettier then you. So you changed yourself, well you tried. You stopped eating meals and began to buy makeup. After a week it became noticeable, and so he asked you what was up. After a while of him trying to get you to crack you do, he feels really bad and so he spends the rest of the night telling you how pretty you are. For every morning after, he wakes you up by calling you beautiful.

Roman Sionis:
He cheated on you with a girl he meant in his club. She was so beautiful, and you thought she was way prettier then you. You immediately shut yourself away from him, you don't want to tell him you found out but you don't want to pretend it didn't happen. He noticed this change almost immediately and talked to you about it. You told him about what he did, and he was really mad at himself. He tried to pull away, she was drunk. He cuddles you and whispers in your ear pointing out each one of your beautiful features. You know he didn't mean it

Two Face:
He never made you feel insecure. To him, your his whole world no other girl could compare. But you would always worry about your appearance, you would convince yourself that he didn't think you were as pretty as others and you would go on extreme diets and put on makeup even to sleep. He was confused at first but after this behavior repeating for a month he had to step in. He asked you what was happening very calmly, you didn't want to tell at first but eventually you did. He was shocked you thought that way, and since that day he never goes a half an hour without complimenting you.

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