18. How They Comfort You When You're Sad

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(Angst Warning)

The Joker:
He hates when you are sad, so he does anything in his power to make you happy. When you are sad you usually stay in the bedroom you two share and he goes into the room and smiles at you, he kneels down to the bed's level and tells you jokes until you start to smile. He then tells you jokes until you laugh and when he does he kisses you to remind you he loves you a lot.

Dr Jonathan Crane:
He likes to keep his distance when you are sad, he doesn't want to make anything worst but if you are are upset for a while he brings you something to drink and he talks to you. He puts you on his lap and he gets you to open up to him and he usually gives you really good advice, he ends his advice by telling you that he loves you.

Roman Sionis:
You don't like to let him know when you are upset or sad, so you usually hide in the bathroom to vent. After a while of not seeing you he tries to find you and he eventually finds you on the bathroom floor crying. This breaks his heart and he sits down next to you, he doesn't ask what about because he knows retelling it will make you more upset, so he just pulls you really close to him and let's you get it all out.

Two Face:
If something makes you sad or is bothering you, you prefer just to push it aside because you know what your dealing with isn't half as bad as what he's dealing with. But on the times something does get to you, he does exactly what you do to him, he makes sure that you know he loves you a lot and he cuddles you until you feel better.

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