31. Your Favorite Fall Activity To Do Together

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The Joker:
It's not really an activity but you two love pumpkin spice lattes! You didn't like them at first but after a while they started to taste really good! You to love to share one with him!

Dr Jonathan Crane:
It's spooky season...so the activity that he takes you to do the most is haunted attractions. You don't want to say you're a fan, you are very on edge when it comes to stuff getting in your face, and you have punched some of the actors a few times but it's still fun because you do it together.

Roman Sionis:
You like to take him apple picking, even though he is always a bit reluctant to go. After a little bit thought he starts to like it. He prefers pumpkin picking so you both alternate!

Two Face:
He likes Halloween a lot! He says it makes him feel a little normal because everyone has a weird mask on and it doesn't make his face look that bad. You never thought it looked bad, but you two always dress up for Halloween.

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