47. When You Get Your Period...

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(If you are a boy or identity as anything else that doesn't experience this it wouldn't make much sense lmao)

The Joker:
He doesn't really get it. He always says things like "how bad can it be?" so you constantly have to tell him how bad it hurts. After the first day (and he says that every month) though he starts to understand and so he gives you space because you do get a bit bitter.

Dr Jonathan Crane:
"I'm not nervous, I just don't know what to do!" Sums it up pretty well. He has no clue what to do, but it's kind of cute. He stays in bed with you when you sleep in to keep you comfortable and he definitely keeps his distance when you get a bit mean.

Roman Sionis:
He doesn't lie to you at all. He is a little grossed out by it but that doesn't mean he treats you poorly, he makes sure you are comfortable and at night he keeps you really close to him so if you wake up with cramps he would be able to comfort you easily.

Two Face:
He basically babies you, but you don't mind! He always make sure you have the supplies you need and also he cooks you whatever you crave. Honestly, it isn't much different from how he normally treats you.

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