64. If And How You Died

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The Joker:
It was complete chaos, Batman discovered Joker's hideout. All of his men were shooting and you were just trying to find a place to hide. You dashed under a table with a table cloth hanging down from it, each seconds your heart races, you don't want anyone to get hurt. With all the bullets racing everywhere and the sounds of people getting punched and smashed against walls everyone was bound to, even you, but you didn't just get hurt. You hear the laugh of Joker and you can tell the most of his men are down since the sound of bullets has calmed, but you can't have Batman hurt him. You run out from under the table but before you can even reach Joker you are struck with a bullet fired from one of his men that mistakes you for someone working for Batman. As soon as you're hit the man is hit with one of Batman's many tools. The bullet pierces your throat it goes right through you, you immediately collapse and scream in pain. Batman looks over at you then back at Joker, he has a decision to make, help you or get the Joker. He lets the Joker go and rushes over to you, Joker gets away, he doesn't go to you at all. You are breathing heavily and blood pours from your mouth, you look up at Batman but your vision is blurry, you whisper softly, no strength left, "Please don't hurt J...please." Batman checks your pulse and tries to help you, it's just to late. He doesn't want to tell you that Joker abandoned you, he doesn't want to make the last moments of your life sad, he goes to say something but then you close your eyes, your heart stops and you die. 

Dr Jonathan Crane:
As you know, you work as a thief for many mobs, you have crossed many, many people, and you always knew deep down you wouldn't die at an old age, eventually your ways will catch up to you and someone will do something about it, but you didn't think it would be so soon. You are waking down a alley, you have some business to handle with a past client, you have a gun with you but Crane insisted on joining so you let him. "You have yet to tell me who you're dealing with." You stop as you realize you are at the meeting spot. "We go back a while, he just wants to talk about some things." You know how much times you've crossed this guy, this conversation isn't going to be pretty. You can't really tell because he is wearing his mask, but he is suspicious of the whole situation. After a few minutes of waiting, you turn around, "where is this guy?" You say as you turn around, you are immediately shot, you collapse, the bullet hits your lower abdomen. Crane tries to shoot some of his toxin at the man but he is to far, the man runs away and you grab your chest. The bullet has pierced a few organs, Crane goes down to your level and moves you to him, you aren't crying or screaming, you are shocked. He tries his best, but he doesn't know what he's doing, more bloods is rushing out of you, you are both covered in your blood, you giggle slightly and he looks at you his eyes show a hopeless look. "That was a quick talk." You tease, he doesn't seem amused. "Y/N.....you can't leave. Not now." His hand is over your wound, you smile very innocently you at him, you know your time is up, your vision is getting blurry. "Crane...can you take off your mask....I want to see you." He does and you take a few deep breathes as your vision fades in and out, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of-" You use some of your last bits of strength to sit up and kiss him, the pain is unbearable but he needs it, you've never seen that look on his face before, he's scared. Once you pull away you collapse and whisper, "Do...Don't blame yourself....I lo-I love you." You die before he can respond. He pulls your lifeless body close to him, trying to keep hope that you could still be in there, but he knows deep down you are gone.

Roman Sionis:
With someone as protective as Roman, nobody expects you to die, he tries to have eyes on you at all times, but this was out of his hands. You two are both sleeping, side by side like always, but you wake up almost sweating and coughing, your stomach hurts bad. You immediately jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom and collapse on the floor, about as fast as you get there, Roman arrives to. You put your head over the toilet bowl and he moves your hair from your face and holds it back from your face, to his knowledge, you're just drunk but you only had one drink. You throw up, your stomach feelings like it's exploding. You stop and Roman looks at you and let's go of your hair, "Drunk?" He ask, you shake your head, "no....no I only had one drink." you say barley able to speak, he goes down on the floor and leans against the wall, you weakly crawl towards him and he very gently puts his arms around you, you place your head on his upper chest and get into a comfortable position, your stomach hurts bad and you are breathing heavily and sweating, Roman softly rubs your side. "Maybe it's a stomach ache, do you think you should go to the hospital?" He ask, you shake your head, you can't respond. You think it's just a one night sickness thing, so you close your eyes and before you drift to sleep you hear Roman's voice, "I love you." In response you shakily tilt your head up and kiss his chin. After, you fall fully asleep, but you never wake up. You were poisoned at his club, he didn't poison you but someone there did. He tries desperately to wake you, you both fell asleep in the bathroom, he is freaking out the whole time. After a moment he brings you to the hospital and you are pronounced dead by poisoning.

Two Face:
He always tells you how protected you are with him, and you never doubted it, but sometimes things happen that he can't protect from because he's not there. On your way to a local mini mart, you are kidnapped by a man working for one of Two Face's rivals, you try to scream but they smother you until you pass out. When you wake you are in a weird looking cellular, you try to scream but tape covers your mouth and chains are all around your arms and legs. You shake uncontrollably and hear a voice, "you won't be making it out of here alive, Two Face has only a couple of weaknesses, and you are one of his." You don't want them to lure Two Face in and kill him, that seems like his plan, you thrash around wanting to break free but the man laughs at your struggles. After an hour, you see multiple men burst through the door pointing guns and wearing spilt clothing, they are men of Two Face, they shoot the other guy's men but they are wounded and some killed in the process. Two Face enters but the leader is still alive, he immediately spots you and goes to run to you but is stopped. "Aren't you going to flip on it?" The leader says with a laugh, Two Face takes two guns out of his pocket and goes to shoot the man, he does but the man shoots you first, right in the middle of your stomach. You cry out and Two Face runs to you and frees you, he picks you up and stares at you as blood gushes out of your wound, "No....please. We can't lose you!" He pulls you to him, you wrap your arms around his neck and hold on, even though your dying you feel protected with him, you look up at him with glassy eyes. "Harvey...." You stop knowing you never address him like that anymore, he looks at you and sits down with your body trying stop the bleeding. "I...it's okay princess...you can call me that." You smile weakly, "Harvey..." that's all you can say, his name, your soulmate's name. He is covered in blood, "We failed in protecting you....I failed...Harvey failed." You look into his eyes and give him the most comforting smile in the world, "No, no you haven't. You gave me the best life I can ask for...this little thing doesn't out weight the amount of happiness you brought to me, you are a great protector Harv, I love you...I really love you, both of you." He immediately kisses you, it's so powerful but not in a good way, it's powerful because he never wants to let go because he knows when he pulls away, you'll be dead.

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