65. If And How You Died (Part 2)

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The Joker:
After Batman raided his hideout he escaped. He came back. He saw your body bloody and lifeless, he examined it for a second but after he couldn't really look at it, it made him feel guilty, an emotion he's rarely felt. After that day, he's never really gotten over what he did to you, how he just left you to die. He surprisingly didn't move on at all and the man that killed you by accident was shot dead by Joker. He has tried to get rid of anything that reminds him of you because it just pains him to see it, he threw away your clothes and had his men clean everything, he can't forget you, he misses your smile the most.

Dr Jonathan Crane:
Since the day you were shot and killed, he hasn't stopped wanting revenge, revenge on the person that killed you and anyone else associated. He does get that revenge, he located and had some men kidnap them and bring all the men to him. "I would kill you, but that's just to easy. You deserve the worst of punishments for what you did." He tortured them relentlessly, messing with their mind and thoughts until one by one each of their brains shut down and they died. He keeps all of your clothes and everything you owned, he never sleep on the side of the bed you used to sleep on because he wants to keep the lingering scent of your perfume on the sheets. At night he sometimes just rubs it, the mattress formed to your body so the indention of your body shape is still there, if he tries hard enough you're still with him, side by side. He misses what he used to get annoyed by, your constant teasing and playful personality.

Roman Sionis:
Your death was so sudden, without warning you just died in his arms, he has never been the same since. He feels like it's his fault because you were poisoned at his club, he cries at night, which is the time of day he most misses your comfort. You calmed him down when he was stressed and upset so he seems to act out more and get mad more often. He even got a statute of you so that in a way you are always there for him, he also was able to get someone to turn patterns from your old clothes into patterns for suits. He misses you dearly, but the one thing he misses the most is your bright expressive eyes, they always warmed his heart when he stared into them.

Two Face:
"You are a great protector Harv, I love you...I really love you, both of you." Those were your last words, every time he tries to focus he hears your voice saying that in his head. He stopped committing crime for about nine months. You were the only person who loved him for him, you didn't mind his other personality even though it sometimes made him fiery, he was perfect the way he is. He knows you did, he knows he will never find someone like you again, he keeps your stuff clean and organized as if you were still there, he has the split bracelet he gave you on his night stand and he keeps a stuffed animal he gave you as a joke one day on his bed, he squeezes it at night because he misses your cuddles, he misses how you took care of his wounds and how you always made sure he didn't get an infection, the feeling of your soft fingers on his burnt skin is the thing he misses the most.

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