Chapter 3 - Calm Like The Sea in A Storm

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Kinda hate this chapter tbh... It's not even that important, just snippets from their mission. Ugh.


They were almost a month into the mission and they hadn't even left Ibaraki yet. It was going to take well over a year to complete the mission 

Kakashi was already exhausted. Mentally, physically, everything. 

He didn't miss this. 

For once, as he lay back, he wished for the war to end. He allowed himself to hope that what he was doing would make a difference. It was a dangerous thing, hope, but Kakashi could be honest with himself for once, hope was all he had. Even so, it was dwindling. 

They had hardly any contact with the Tokyo area, they received periodic updates whenever they reported their findings back to the main headquarters. 

"Any news?" Obito asked. He was tired too, Kakashi knew. He could see it in the way the persona he kept crumbled like dust when no one was looking. He could see it in the way he couldn't look at the sky at night without getting somewhat emotional. 

"What do you think?" Kakashi replied tiredly. 

"I'll take that as a no, then." Obito whispered. 

It was late but they followed their own schedule. There was no time limit to the mission as long as they got it done. 

The building they were in smelled old, but it was one of the only ones in the area that had lasted long enough to be habitable. 

"I'm going to scout the area." Obito said after a few minutes of silence. 

"I'll work on the report." Kakashi mumbled, pulling out a pen and the papers they'd been using to take note of their findings. 

Day 21 complete... who knew how many more. 


"D'you think they'd send anyone to look for us if we deserted?" Obito wondered. 

"Who knows." Kakashi mumbled, staring at the streets below them with a pair of binoculars. "16 in that building. That's a record." 

Kakashi could almost see Obito frown through the mask. "Is that it for this area?" 

Kakashi scanned the map once, then again just to be sure. "Yeah." 

"Onwards?" Obito stood up and dusted himself off. 



Shukaku had said that he wouldn't get involved. 

He'd specifically made it clear that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with any of the chaos that was going on. 

So why... was he in Kyushu? 

It's not even that he didn't know how he'd gotten there. He knew exactly why he was in Fukuoka prefecture. 

Dabi had wanted to come and they'd had an argument about it. Dabi had ended up leaving and running off to do kami knew what. 

"God fucking damn it, where is that brat?" Shukaku scowled. 

He wasn't worried. He wasn't

Shukaku's nose picked up the smell of burning flesh and immediately, he knew where to find Dabi. 

After a few minutes of looking, he found Dabi standing in a clearing with a couple corpses at his feet. 

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