Chapter 16 - End of Part 2

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"Iida. What were you thinking?! Do you know how many people almost died tonight?" Kakashi practically hissed.

Iida looked like he was about to argue, but he stopped himself. "Yes. I am sorry. I acted based on emotion and it almost cost all of us our lives."

Kakashi might've smiled if not for the situation they were in right now. At least Iida understood.

"And you two. You used your Quirks illegally!"

"You did too-" Midoriya began.

"No, in fact, I did not." Kakashi cut him off. "Why didn't you get help? Does your own safety mean nothing to you?" Not that Kakashi was one to talk, but that was beside the point.

"I...I had to help! I-I couldn't sit by and do nothing!" Midoriya said.

"If you had wanted to help, you should've gotten another hero. If you had all died, then what?"

"But we didn't." Todoroki pointed out.

Kakashi turned to him slowly, and narrowed his eyes. Todoroki flinched and muttered, "Nevermind."

"Yeah, thought so." Kakashi sighed and massaged his forehead. "The police are going to talk to you soon, do not argue with them."

Todoroki stood up and sat next to Kakashi. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, just loud enough for Kakashi to be the only one who heard him.

"Sorry? What for?"


"Oh." Todoroki wasn't talking about this incident anymore, he was talking about Kakashi's fight with All for One. "It's alright. I made you leave. I'm glad you did actually."

Kakashi thought about what would've happened if Todoroki had joined him.

"What? Why?"

"If you hadn't, we both could've died or been captured by the League." He didn't want to think about Todoroki getting branded with a knife. As the saying goes, better me than you.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Todoroki. I've fought many fights in my lifetime. I know what would've happened had you joined me. And I'm glad you didn't."

"But we're trained to do this, I could have helped you." Todoroki argued.

"No, you're training to do this. If you hadn't gone, who would've gotten help?"


Kakashi smiled. He'd been doing a lot of that lately, and he found he didn't mind. "Be happy you can fight another day. You can't save lives if you're six feet under." Kakashi stood up and left the room.

Kakashi ran into a police officer on his way out, who said that they would be questioning him now.

Kakashi sat in the hospital's waiting room (which was empty), and a detective came to question him.

"How did you know where to find your classmates?"

"The smell of blood was stronger from that direction, and there was bloodlust there but nowhere else."

"You have enhanced senses?"

"Smell and sound." Kakashi clarified.

"I see." He said. "Looking through your file here, you seem to be running into the League a lot."

"It's unfortunate." Kakashi nodded even though he knew that wasn't what the man was implying. "But I thought Stain wasn't involved with the League?

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