Chapter 11 - Open the Door to Hell...

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They spoke to the principal about adding Obito to their class, considering the amount of information he held and the fact that Obito was under the protection of the heroes. The school decided that it would just be easier if Obito was a student there and he went through a test slightly harder than the entrance exams.

(They resolved their argument with little difficulty. They were both adults, at heart. They knew what would be at stake if they were to fight now. They pushed their personal grievances to the side and gradually the fight became forgotten.)

It was weird being in the same class as Obito again. Kakashi was only in his class for a year before... well... everything, but this was vastly different from how it was then. Obito was no longer "dead last" just as Kakashi wasn't at the top of the class.

They were normal students. Well, as normal as you could be, considering the circumstances.

Ultimately they decided that trying to get in contact with Dabi and Shukaku was useless. Kakashi could use his dogs to track them down, but he didn't because there was no amount of protection the police and the heroes could give Shukaku that he couldn't give himself. Though the same could be said for Obito and Kakashi, they needed to use the Yuuei facilities anyway.

He also got himself checked out by Recovery Girl again to make sure that the substance that All for One had put in him was completely gone. He had a feeling that it had contributed to his loss of control.

Explaining it to her would be a bit difficult because most of the details of his kidnapping had been kept secret by him. None of them were aware of exactly what had happened before they found him and Kakashi was content to keep it that way. He'd told Aizawa and Hizashi the short answer, but that was all they knew.

But now, there was a chance that there was actually something wrong with him... physically. If All for One had access to a drug that could switch his... personas, he didn't want to imagine what it might do to someone else.

So, here he was. Going to the doctor. Willingly.

Sakura would be proud.

"Ah, Kakashi. What brings you here today?" Recovery Girl said kindly. She really was short but he knew better than to say that to her face.

"Can you run a test for foreign substances in my bloodstream?" He asked bluntly.

Her eyes darkened. "What for?" Her tone remained light and Kakashi commended her professionalism.

"I have reason to believe that there's a... drug that's altering my mental state within my blood and I'd rather it not be there, to be honest." Kakashi replied flippantly.

"Alright. Take a seat."

She hooked him up to a number of machines. Weird. Kakashi had thought that she'd need him to pee in a cup or something.

"Ah... yep, there it is. I'll need a sample of your blood to supply you with the antibody for this and study it properly. Where did you come across a drug like this?"

"Well... you've heard of how I got kidnapped, tragic, really." Kakashi lamented half-heartedly. Recovery Girl raised an unamused eyebrow. "Yes, well to cut a long story short Scratchy gave it to me."

"Kakashi, you know I need the full story." Recovery Girl said gently.

"Maa, I figured I'd give the short answer a shot." Kakashi shrugged. "You might want to sit down."

Recovery Girl pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Kakashi.

"It all started on a cold morning...." Kakashi began. He told the story with hints of humour that definitely weren't just his coping mechanism and watched as Recovery Girl's face contorted into a large frown. Well, for her anyway. The only visible change on her face was the slight downward twitch of her lips, but Recovery Girl hardly showed her students anything other than a smile unless she was really mad (I.E - Midoriya's multiple broken bones).

"Since there's no record of these events in your medical records, would I be correct in assuming you haven't told many people, or anyone about this?" She asked.

"Aizawa and Hizashi know. Some of the boys in 1-A know too."

Recovery Girl sighed, reminding Kakashi of her age. "Do you have a protege?" He asked.

"No. If you have any recommendations, I'd be happy to take them." She pulled on rubber gloves and rummaged through her cupboards. "Children with healing Quirks go to the major hospitals where usage of their Quirk is sanctioned by the government, similar to how in certain jobs, Quirk use is allowed."

Kakashi nodded. In his research of Quirks, he'd learned that there were different jobs in which different Quirks were now required. For example, anyone with a healing Quirk who worked in a hospital was allowed to use their Quirk for healing related things as long as they were on hospital grounds. Special circumstances like the Provisional Licensing exam were discussed beforehand and there were a multitude of other laws and specific conditions around Quirk use for industrial use.

Another example would be someone like Kaminari. If he were to get a job, say... factory work, he would be allowed to use his Quirk to power some of the machines.

Beforehand though, Kaminari would have to be taught by another lighting Quirk user who worked a similar job for regulation purposes. Then there would be a short test to make sure his control over his Quirk was sound and that the people around him wouldn't be in danger if he used his Quirk.

"Kids who have healing Quirks are normally kept away from Hero Studies nowadays because of the high injury rate that the job has. Healing Quirks are rare, good ones are rarer. The common healing Quirk could heal a gash at most." Recovery Girl pulled out a needle, Kakashi flinched instinctively. "Don't worry, dear. This won't hurt you. I just need to find the antibody to the drug circulating through your system."

"Do you have to use a needle or can I just do it?"

"Excuse me?"

"If I give you blood from a cut. And that cut has only interacted with the air around it for a short time, is that still valid?"

"Are you suggesting you cut yourself to avoid a needle?"


"Are you going to let me do this any other way?" Recovery Girl asked.

"No." Kakashi said honestly.

"I figured as much." She muttered. "I'd like to go on record and say that this is a bad idea and it would be much easier if I just used the needle."

"I'd like to go on record and say that I'm aware of that." Kakashi replied smoothly.

Recovery Girl stared at him for a few seconds before grabbing an empty vial and handing it to him. "I don't think I need to tell you that you can't touch the blood or do anything to it."

"Yep." Kakashi nodded.

"Alright, go ahead then. Whatever gets me what I need, I suppose." Kakashi was 98% sure she added, "which may be a good glass of sake after this" afterwards. He gave her an eye-smile and pulled out a kunai.


Kakashi wandered through the halls of the school, intending to be at least half an hour late for his English class, when an urgent assembly was called.

Kakashi decided to go to the assembly so he followed the masses of students towards the auditorium.

They all sat in silence waiting for a teacher to start speaking when Nezu walked onto the stage.

"Good afternoon students and faculty of Yuuei. This assembly has not been called for any celebration, I have no good news to announce." Nezu said grimly. "I am here to tell you that one of your classmates has gone missing...." There was a collective sharp intake of breath, but Nezu wasn't done. "And they've been presumed dead just a few minutes ago."

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