Chapter 12 - End of Part 4

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This chapter skips around a lot, but things will make more sense going forward. It's also kind of rushed... sorry? Decided to add a picture cause I was feeling... ~qUirKy✨~.


I apologize.

"You're all familiar with the student, Kuroiro Shihai. A kind boy in class 1-B. He went missing on March 17th and I regret to inform you that he is no longer with us. Now please, a moment of silence." 


The school year finished and Kakashi found himself enjoying the last few months of his first year of high school. The students liked Obito immediately and Obito obviously enjoyed being in a classroom setting where he wasn't... vehemently disliked. 

Japan had been notified of the possible evacuation order. At all times, every civilian had to be prepared to leave within an hour. Transportation out of Japan had been changed so that they would now be able to evacuate over half the country within a day if the need arose. 

A lot of the 3rd years ended up coming out with their relationships which was nice too. Like Tamaki and Mirio, two of the three best students in the school, were together. 

The truly unfortunate relationship, Kakashi thought, was Kuroiro Shihai and Komori Kinoko's relationship. 

Kinoko had said that they had been together for a short time before Kuroiro disappeared. 

Everyone had known, after his death was announced, that he had been targeted for his Quirk. He could merge into any shadow or object that was completely black. 

Since Kuroiro's disappearance, more seemingly unrelated incidents started to connect together to paint a larger, but more grim picture. 

In the end, the death of a child was not enough for the government to realize the severity of the situation. They didn't realize until much later. 


Bombs went off across the countryside areas of Japan simultaneously during Spring break, March 24th, 2XXX. 3673 people died, 6828 were left unaccounted for, and 1754 were injured. 

The evacuation was ordered two days later when poison gas was released across all of the large grocery store chains. 

"This is an evacuation call. Do not panic, you have been preparing for this. Follow your neighbors and stay in your pre-determined exit slot." played on repeat everywhere across the country. 

Kakashi and Obito did not leave, since they were at the center of everything and Obito technically couldn't be thrown into the system because he didn't have any form of verification and there would be no way for him to acquire a birth certificate now. 

Neither did Aizawa and Hizashi, as their jobs prohibited them from leaving. All heroes were asked to stay unless they wished to find a profession in another field. 

Todoroki left, along with the rest of Yuuei. For all that they spoke about becoming heroes, they were already aware that they were far out of their depths with this. No one wanted more casualties. Some of them argued, but they were shut down with the threat of expulsion. 

Goto was not permitted to leave, considering the fact that he was one of the better therapists out there, and he had a medical degree of some kind. They were in desperate need of more doctors. 

"The evacuation order has been carried out, All for One is unlikely to try and take over any other countries until he has this one." Obito said. The fact that they thought of this as good news spoke volumes to the direness of the situation.  

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