Chapter 2 - Understand

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Before we get this chapter started, lemme just say that there is no Yuuei Traitor. The fact that they immediately thought that is illogical, there could've been cameras or leaked information. The traitor theory doesn't really hold a lot of ground, especially considering the fact that they didn't even show up to the USJ in this, so the theory wouldn't have even come up in the first place.

Anywho, here's the chapter.

They spent the week working on their ultimate moves, Kakashi still hadn't chosen one. He was thinking of using Kamui, but it wasn't really a finishing move. He didn't really need one since he was saying he'd be an underground hero, but the teachers said that if he could, they wanted him to think of one.

Kakashi was currently on his way to talk with principal Nezu. He had expected this, only a lot sooner. He wondered why it took them so long.

"Good afternoon, Kakashi." Nezu greeted.

"Principal." Kakashi nodded and sat down in front of him.

"Aizawa has informed me that you wish to transfer out of the hero course, is there a reason why you don't want to be a hero?" That... wasn't what he'd expected, but he could roll with it.

Kakashi pretended considered the question as if he hadn't been thinking about this for a long time. "It's not a question of whether or not I want to be a hero, which, for the record, I don't, a better question to ask would be, should I be a hero. And the answer to that question is no." Kakashi answered honestly.

"Really? I wasn't there, but from what Yaoyorozu told me, you saved the lives of most of your classmates." At Kakashi's blank stare, Nezu elaborated. "Yes. You killed 2 villains. But I believe you know better than anyone that the world isn't so black and white, isn't that right?" Nezu's eyes bore into his skull. It was as if he was looking through him, not at him. Orochimaru gave of a similar vibe, but one hundred times creepier. His eyes also had an insane glint to them, something that Nezu's eyes lacked, thankfully.

Kakashi didn't respond to Nezu's prodding. "In fact, I'd say out of all the hero hopefuls here, you're the best candidate."

Kakashi was too tired to stop himself from laughing, so laugh he did. Even to his own ears, he could tell his laugh was bordering on hysterical.

Nezu smiled sadly, "However, if you truly feel that being a hero doesn't suit you, a transfer is available for next year."

Kakashi nodded. "If that's all?"

"Kakashi, it may be difficult to trust those around you, even one person with bad intentions can alter your perspective of others. But I implore you to give your classmates a chance." Nezu said, heavy understanding lacing his words.

Kakashi paused. It was rare to find someone who could understand him the way Nezu seemed to. "Thank you." He responded honestly, before shutting the door to his office with a quiet click.


The weekend passed quickly and soon it was time for Provisional Licensing. Kakashi had been talking to Obito the night before so he was calmer than he would've been otherwise. It's not that he was nervous for the exam, it was that he knew that these things never went off without a hitch, and today, he had a sickening feeling in his gut.

He contemplated just not showing up, but that would've been all his hard work and suffering down the drain so that idea was quickly dismissed.

The class showed up to the venue and immediately ran into other schools. There was one guy who was eerily reminiscent of Gai and his "youth." Kakashi resolved to avoid him in the future. There were a lot of other kids, like this one child who could communicate with animals, the aforementioned over excitable child who had a wind Quirk and apparently could've gotten in on recommendation, a blonde girl who looked weirdly like Bakugou (Kakashi would have to introduce her to Todoroki. Oh the theories he would form), a light brown haired girl in a skin tight body suit, and more. Many many more.

Kakashi had never seen so many children in one place.

He followed the rest of the students into the large building.

The other students seem either equally nervous, or overconfident. Kakashi isn't nervous and he's relatively confident in his abilities, but anything can happen. Overconfidence kills a shinobi on the battle field.

The proctor reminds Kakashi of Hayate. It stings, but he ignores it.

The proctor's name is Yokumiru and he explained how the first task would work. Kakashi thought it was overly complicated, but it got the job done and was a better way to show how being a hero in "the real world" would work.

Each examinee would be given 6 balls and 3 targets. They would put the targets anywhere on their bodies, other than the armpits and feet. The balls would be used to hit the targets, meaning you could get a maximum of 2 people out if they had all targets free, or if you decided to take advantage of other people's strategies and use one per person.

Kakashi had been doing "throwing" practice since he was 4, so this would be very easy for him.

The requirement was to take down 2 examinees.

After Yokumiru finished explaining, the room they were in opened up to reveal a massive stadium.

It was larger than anything Kakashi had ever seen. Almost unnecessarily large.

Kakashi scanned the stadium.

The first round begins and it's immediately clear to Kakashi that the other schools are targeting them. It's a good strategy, Kakashi thinks. It has more upsides for the other students than downsides.

Knowing this, Kakashi ultimately chooses to split up from the group.

Now, Kakashi thinks teamwork is important, of course. However, if you only learn to work as a team, you'll be ineffective when working as an individual. Mutual reliance is as good as it is dangerous, but Kakashi could write pages on that topic. For now, there was a Provisional License to get.

I'm so sorry it's so short! I don't know what's wrong with me rn, I'll try to make them longer.

Also, I know I haven't been updating as much as I used to, but could you guys please not ask for more chapters? It stresses me out a lot and it's not going to make me write faster. Of course, I'm glad you guys are enjoying it, and I'm thankful that you're still here at all, but asking is just... I dunno, but could you please not?

Thank you for 170k!!!

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