Chapter 8 - Target

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Previously, on Avatar:

"You must be the guy who moved the kid. I gotta say, good thinking on your part, but now what'll you do?"

"Kirigakure no Jutsu."

Kakashi blew mist out of his mouth and disappeared into it. He poured a little more chakra into it and moved around easily. He watched the man get worked up, and brought out a sword. Kakashi angled it at the villain's nape and sliced through the muscle easily, before he stabbed it into his neck.

The man swayed, but he was still standing. Kakashi jumped back immediately, and made a rasengan. This had to be his last attack, his chakra was running low, and he'd wasted enough time here already. He slammed the rasengan into the man's chest, and barely withheld a grimace at the sound of ripping flesh.

Blood poured out of the man's mouth and he fell to his knees. Kakashi coughed a few times, before he ran off.

"Kakashi!" He vaguely heard his name being called out, but he didn't look back. The oxygen mask over his face was a little bulky, but he was grateful for it. He ran into Ojirou, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shouji, and Bakugou.

"What's the situation?" He asked.

"We've already subdued one with the help of Yaoyorozu, Kendou, Yosetsu, and Uraraka." Todoroki answered

A message from Mandalay echoed in their heads. "One of the villain's targets is a Kacchan! Kacchan needs to avoid getting into battles, and stick with another person at all times! Got that? You have permission to fight the enemy!"

"Bakugou. Don't." Kakashi said. The mist suddenly began to thin until it disappeared completely. "Another villain is down." He muttered. "Come on, this way."

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"Back to the lodges. Bakugou, we need to go."

Bakugou growled, but Kakashi could tell he was just frustrated with the situation.

"Come on, Bakugou." Shouji said.

Bakugou grit his teeth and followed reluctantly. They walked cautiously with Todoroki in the front and Kakashi in the back.

"Someone's coming." Kakashi said. A few seconds later, Midoriya appeared in front of them.

"We're heading back now." Todoroki told him.

"Oh. Okay." Midoriya took a few deep breaths and stood up straight, "I'll come with you then!"

"Did you run into Yaoyorozu and her team?"

"No, I think she might've been the cause of the mist going away though." Midoriya said.

Kakashi nodded wordlessly.

They were less than a minute away from the clearing when they were stopped by someone else.

"Ah, hello." He said. The man's costume was a mixture of grays, blues and dark greens. He had a mask over his face that had been cut to show teeth and his skin was scaly.

The man dove into the ground and reappeared underneath where Bakugou once stood. Kakashi pulled him out of the way and was already charging a chidori by the time the man popped out of the ground.

"Bakugou, leave with Tokoyami, Midoriya, Shouji, and Ojirou."

"Fuck no!"

"Now isn't the time for this!" Midoriya muttered. Leviathan moved his hand and a wave of earth hit Kakashi.

Kakashi coughed and stood back up.

"Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu." He figured that since none of these people had chakra, they wouldn't be able to break out of genjutsu as easily. While the man was trapped in the genjutsu, Kakashi ran his hand through his heart using chidori.

"Y-you killed him." Midoriya breathed.

"Yeah. But there are still more... villains...." Kakashi swayed and fell to his knees. "I can't move anymore." All the shadow clones he'd been using dispersed.

Midoriya and Todoroki glanced at each other before running to his side. They helped him up and began to walk.

They finally made it to the clearing. Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Kendou, and Yosetsu were already there.

"Kakashi!" Yaoyorozu and Uraraka ran up to him.

"I'm fine. Just tired." He said before they could ask.

"We'll take him, you guys get Bakugou back to the lodges." Uraraka said.

"I'm right fucking here you know!"

"Bakugou, not now." Kakashi wheezed, he knew that there was probably some desperation in his voice. Bakugou scoffed and looked away.

They eventually got Bakugou to go back to the lodges with the teachers. Mandalay and Tiger ran up to them.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" Mandalay grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much."

"Uh... no problem?" Kakashi responded.

"You need medical attention." She helped him to his feet. "The rest of you go back to the lodges. The police and paramedics are on their way."

"Okay." Yaoyorozu nodded, and she, Uraraka, Kendou, and Yosetsu followed them back to the lodges.

"Kakashi, what happened with the lizard man?" Mandalay asked while they were walking.

"He died before I could do anything." Kakashi answered. "I did kill two other villains though."

Mandalay inhaled sharply. "I see."

"Where's Pixie Bob?"

"We were able to get her back to the cabin but Ragdoll...." She trailed off.


The rest of the walk was solemn. When they made it back, the paramedics were already there, and the police were taking statements.

The medics didn't really know what was wrong with him, so he explained it was related to his Quirk, and he just needed to sleep it off. They did wrap his bruises and checked his arm which was missing a lot of skin. Kakashi didn't know how he had forgotten about it for so long.

"Kakashi, there you are." Aizawa said, relief clear in his voice.

"Yep. Here I am."

"You are, Hatake Kakashi, correct?" An officer said.


"We'd like to take your statement now."


They asked a series of questions, all leading up to what Kakashi knew they wanted to ask.

"Did you kill 2 of the villains that attacked you tonight?"


The man sighed. "Hatake Kakashi, you are under arrest for 2 counts of manslaughter."

Dun dun daaaaaa!!

Originally, I was going to keep Bakugou's kidnapping, but THEN things happened and I screwed it up, so that's no longer an option.

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