Chapter 5 - Good News and Bad News

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I'm on a roll. The inspiration fairy has come and blessed me.

Third POV

Kakashi staggered in place but he stood up fine afterwards. His face was blank and his eyes were glazed over.

"A-Aizawa sensei! There's something wrong with Kakashi!" Midoriya called.

"Shit." Aizawa muttered. He walked towards Kakashi carefully but stopped a few feet away. "Kakashi? You in there?"

Kakashi turned and it soon became clear that no, Kakashi was not "in there."

"Sensei... what's going on?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Aizawa was about to answer her when there was movement by the collapsed stadium. The villains were here.

Aizawa took a deep breath. "Alright. Don't talk to Kakashi at all, refrain from interacting with him in general, and do not go too close."

"B-but why?" Midoriya asked.

"I don't have time to explain that to you, and either way you should ask Kakashi himself when we... fix this." Aizawa massaged his forehead. "Okay, help the paramedics take away the injured and start talking to the police. There are more heroes on the way."

"Sensei, we can help!" Uraraka declared.

"No, you can't. You need to listen to me and get out of here."

All for One had disappeared after speaking with Kakashi briefly, so that was one problem the heroes wouldn't have to deal with.

Hawks was already on the scene dealing with the villains. Gang Orca was on his way and Ms. Joke was talking to her students.

"Kakashi, I need you to go back with your classmates."

Kakashi turned to face Aizawa carefully.

"No." His voice was cold and stern. Aizawa blinked a few times.

"Why not?"

Kakashi didn't say anything more, he just vanished.

Aizawa resisted the urge to curse to the gods.

"Alright." He muttered before going to follow Kakashi. "If you're going to help, only knock them out. Do not kill them."

Kakashi tilted his head to one side before nodding. "Understood."

"Hey Eraserhead... what's your student doing here?"

"That's a long story that I don't really care to explain. You've already met though, and you're aware that he can handle himself."

(Me rn so glad that I put those 3 extras in there so now I can skip introductions)

"Alright then."

That was one of the things Aizawa liked about Hawks. He easily accepted things that others would normally question more. He would be given a proper explanation later, but it's not like Aizawa knew very much about Kakashi's situation either.

"So uh... where'd he go?" Hawks asked.

"What do you mean he's right...." No, he was not right over there. "Oh for the love of-"

The villains began dropping like flies. Aizawa could faintly hear the crackle of lightning.

Aizawa shrugged, "Better roll with it." he mumbled, and joined the fight.

All in all, subduing the smaller villains didn't take very long. It was the other 3 they were worried about.

Kakashi was fighting one of them but it was obvious that the other villain had the upper hand, if only for the fact that he could partially regenerate.

The 3 villains who were back from the dead were a lot stronger than most of them, but it took them a long time to regenerate and the process was only slowing down as you fought them.

Aizawa had figured that in situations like these, Kakashi responded to direct orders and direct orders alone. That left a sour taste in his mouth but needs must.

"Kakashi. Report." He ordered after the villain Kakashi was dealing with was stuck regenerating.

"All for One doesn't know how to use the ability he's using properly. It's draining the caster's energy. Continuously cutting off their limbs or giving them what would normally be a life threatening injury will slow the regeneration." Kakashi said quickly and monotonously, before he left to continue fighting his villain.

Aizawa only registered the fact that Kakashi was bleeding from his head after Kakashi left.

Aizawa mentally cursed before going to explain the situation to the other heroes.

After that, it wasn't difficult to take care of the villains. Their Quirks were common knowledge at this point, and had been dissected by every major hero website.

Kakashi's villain was gone by the time the heroes had dealt with theirs.

Normally, the villain being gone would be fine. Good job Kakashi.

This time however, the villain was gone and so was Kakashi.

"Hey Eraserhead... your kid's missing."

"I hadn't noticed." Aizawa grumbled.

"I found him!" Ms. Joke called from a few meters away.

Aizawa jogged over to find Kakashi stuck in a wall with blood actively falling from one of his eyes. His bones were in complete disarray and his eyes were blown wide. It was gruesome.

Hawks immediately flew off to get a medic.

"Kakashi, can you hear me?" Aizawa asked.

Kakashi coughed and blood poured from his mouth.

Hawks returned with the medic who rushed to the scene. He has long brown hair that was tied into a low ponytail. He was tall and his skin was dark.

"I need a stretcher over here. Bring me Harrison." He said into his walkie talkie. "Lay this rock flat on the ground."

The heroes were quick to do as he said.

By now, Nezu and the rest of the teachers were here. Finally.

The medic's Quirk seemed to be manipulating blood. The blood that was out of Kakashi's body was moved through the air.

"Don't worry, I'm removing the germs as well." He assured them.

Aizawa nodded slowly and he put Kakashi's blood into 2 blood bags.

A woman, Harrison, Aizawa assumed, was now on the scene. She had short blue hair and was really short.

"Christ on a bike." She said upon seeing Kakashi. "He's broken all the bones in his body." She was also British, apparently.

"Yeah." The man said.

"Fujima, here." She handed the man, Fujima, a cord with a needle at the end.

She stood in front of Kakashi and they watched as his bones seemingly realigned themselves. Fujima connected the cord to the blood bag and the needle to Kakashi.

"Harrison?" Fujima asked. "Is it...?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "He's out of the woods for now... but we don't know when, or if, he's going to wake up. In simpler terms, he's comatose."

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