Chapter 2.2 - Omake 2

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Oh wow. Another filler chapter. This takes place between chapter 14 and 15 of Pt.2. I'll probably move it there at some point.

Kakashi had been trying to find time to bake something for quite a long time, but the opportunity had never come up. Until he suddenly had a week of free time. Well, he figured, now's as good a time as any.

So he took out the ingredients to make a regular vanilla cake with cream cheese icing. They even had fondant so he could try his hand at making those roses he always saw on cakes.

He started with the flour (2 ¼ cups to be exact) and spent a good 5-10 minutes measuring and re-measuring it. He just couldn't get past the fact that the first time he poured, it went just under the mark, then he poured more flour, and it went over. So he took some out, which ended up being too much, and had to pour more flour! Kakashi had never baked anything in his life, and he was starting to think that was a good thing.

He usually just bought desserts, or had some that Gai would make. Gai was a good cook.

Then he added the sugar (1 ⅓ cups), baking powder (1 tbsp.), and salt (½ tsp.) and mixed it together. Naturally, this took more measuring.

He was technically supposed to preheat the oven beforehand, but he didn't know how to use this oven, and he hadn't been paying attention when Aizawa or Hizashi did.

These ovens were much different than the ovens in Konoha, they were more advanced and didn't require chakra (for some reason, the ovens in shinobi homes, which were issued by the Hokage, required chakra to activate.).

So, Kakashi decided to ask Aizawa after he made the batter.

The next step required a mixer. Which was relatively easy to find, Aizawa and Hizashi kept things well organized.

He slowly added the butter (½ cups, softened) and mixed it with the mixer on low speed. Next was the vanilla and milk (tsp of vanilla and 1 cup of milk).

He was about to pour the batter in, when he realized he'd forgotten to oil the pans. All those cooking shows he'd binge watched were paying off.

After he prepped the baking pans, he split it evenly between the 2 pans (of varying sizes) and began to clean up the ingredients.

He definitely did not almost drop the flour.

He then went to ask Aizawa how to work the oven.


"Oh my god you're covered in flour." Aizawa said as soon as he saw him. Kakashi looked down at his shirt. He hadn't even noticed.

"Yes well things happen." He retorted. He hadn't really thought about how he would go about asking for help, since he didn't normally do it.

"Do you want help with the oven?" Aizawa said, seemingly reading his thoughts. Kakashi must've looked at him funny, because Aizawa also said, "I assumed that was what you needed, was that not it?"

"No. Uh... thank you." Kakashi nodded. Aizawa followed him to the kitchen.

"What do you need it set to?"

"350 Fahrenheit." Kakashi answered.

"To choose the temperature, press this button." The oven beeped. "Set the temperature with this button." The oven booped a few times. "Then, when it's at the temperature you want, press this button again." Another beep. "To cancel it, you would press this button." He pointed to the cancel button on the bottom corner of the button board.

"Okay." Kakashi nodded.

"When the oven beeps again, it means that you can put whatever it is you're making in the oven." He explained.

Kakashi nodded again.

"Alright then." Aizawa said, "Don't burn the house down."

"No promises." Kakashi grinned.

"Brat." Aizawa muttered before he returned to his work.

It took a few minutes for the oven to reach 350°, when it did, Kakashi put the cakes in the oven. He checked the time and the instructions again. 30 to 35 minutes.

So, Kakashi waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And- oh, half an hour's up. He coated his hands with chakra and took the first pan out of the oven.

"How's it going- what are you doing?!" Aizawa's eyes widened.

"...Taking the pans out of the oven?"

"With your bare hands?! Put them down!"

Kakashi quickly put the pan on the top of the oven. "Can I get the second one?"

"With oven mitts!" Aizawa threw them at him. "They're in the compartment under the oven!"

"My hands are fine." He shrugged and put the gloves on.

"You're going to give me a heart attack."

"I try my best." Kakashi grinned and took the other cake out.

"Kami weeps." Aizawa muttered as he left the kitchen.

After the cakes cooled, Kakashi had to take them out of the pans. The cake pans had a latch on the side which you would flip and the curved surface would come off, leaving the base and the cake.

'Well now what?' Kakashi thought. He grabbed a plate and set it on the island.

After he'd spent an unreasonably long amount of time staring at the cake, Kakashi picked up the pan and flipped it over onto the plate. The cake remained on the pan.

'Bullshit. This is bullshit.' He grabbed a bread knife and stuck it between the cake and the pan. 'Non-stick pan my ass.'

Once he finally got the cakes off the pans, he cleaned all the dishes and made icing.

Making the icing was significantly easier than making the cake. He made two colours of icing, orange and blue, then made pink roses to stick on the top. The colors didn't match at all, but in Kakashi's opinion, that was the best cake he'd ever seen.

~Hero names!!~

So I got all of your suggestions for hero names and I decided to make a poll. But about the names Inu and Hound, Hound doesn't work because there's already a hero named Hound Dog and that would be confusing.
I'm a little reluctant to use Inu, because it's the name of the voice that pretty much haunts Kakashi in his mind. But if that's the name you guys want, then please vote!




Silver Crow

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Silver Fang


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