Chapter 3.5 - A Look Into the Past

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This was supposed to be a part of another book of oneshots for this story, but I decided to make it as extras here instead.

Funnily enough, Gai was a good cook. Better than Kakashi anyway. It's not like Kakashi's a bad cook either. He'd been living on his own since he was 5, it would be odd if he wasn't a better cook by now. Well, Gai was the same. He'd been living on his own since his father's death.

When the two of them were younger, they would cook for each other when one of them couldn't get out of bed. It was a good system, and neither of them ever went hungry.

Eventually, Gai confessed. He did it in a very roundabout way, a lot of bad wording and weird phrases, but Kakashi got it when Gai finally said, "I want to date you!" after one too many misunderstandings.

Kakashi had smiled for the first time in a while after Minato's death, and said, "Me too." The smile on Gai's face made it all worth it.

Genma and Raidou teased them mercilessly about it, but Kakashi teased them back. The two of them were dating at the time.

Kakashi still remembered their first kiss. It wasn't a "they looked into each other's eyes and they knew" type thing. More like a, "no one believed them so they had to kiss in front of Anko" story.

Anko never let them live it down, but neither of them minded.

Their first mission together after they began to date was... uncomfortable at best. They treated each other relatively the same, but there was this weird feeling between them. Gai almost cried when Kakashi got injured and Kakashi almost jumped in the way of a kunai for Gai's sake.

They both agreed that, while they were now romantically involved, they were still ninja, and if they let their relationship get in the way, they wouldn't go on missions together anymore.

Needless to say, it didn't happen again.

Contrary to popular belief, out of the two of them, Kakashi can read social cues better. Which was odd. Very odd. But what do you expect in a society of emotionally stunted teenagers?

After a particularly bad nightmare, Gai and Kakashi decided that they would sleep in the same bed. They normally ended up laying next to each other anyway, so it made more sense.

That was the first time Kakashi said, "I love you."

Gai cried.

Kakashi slept without nightmares.

One of Kakashi's fonder memories of his students happened just before everything went to shit again. So, before the Chunin exams.

Sakura had asked, "Sensei, do you have a girlfriend?"

Kakashi smiled and replied with, "Maybe."

Naruto and Sasuke's jaws dropped and Kakashi sauntered off.

That day, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura had spent 5 hours tailing him to find out who it was.

Naruto broke their cover when he shouted, "Who's that guy?!"

Gai had turned and given the three of them the brightest smile and a thumbs up.

Anko laughed so hard she almost choked.

Putting their relationship on hold was one of the most difficult things Kakashi had done in a long time.

The war was approaching, and they both knew that they wouldn't be able to make as much time for each other.

They parted ways at some point in the middle of the war.

Gai had said, "I'll see you when this is over, my rival."

Kakashi smiled and said, "Of course, I still have to beat you after all."

They never saw each other again afterwards.

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