Chapter 9 - Not This Shit Again

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Me thinking of giving Shigaraki a redemption arc: (づ。◕‿◕。)づ
These next few chapters: 🖕(ᵔᴥᵔ)🖕

Kakashi honestly didn't think that this would happen for the second time. It's not like he thought that after that warp guy was captured, they'd all just go away and slink back into the shadows, but he really just didn't think they would have the audacity to try this shit again.

Now, some of you may be asking, but Kakashi! What happened?

Well, Kakashi would love to answer, but he can't. Why? Because he's been gagged, blindfolded and his hands, legs and head have been restrained.

If you were to ask Kakashi how he got into this situation, he would try to look at you like you were stupid, it was just stated that he's immobile, and unable to say or do anything. What makes you think he can answer questions?

Save your responses, he can't say anything to answer them. Even if he knew you were there watching his every move, he still couldn't answer.

Now, let us go back to two days ago after Kakashi left with Bakugou and Todoroki to meet his informant.

~Magical time travelling noises~

"Where the fuck are we going?" Bakugou asked. The three of them were wearing masks not unlike the ones required for ANBU. Kakashi was Inu, Bakugou was Fox, and Todoroki was Cat.

"We're going to meet an informant of mine. I figured it would be good to acquaint you two with him." Kakashi turned to face them. "But, when I go in there, you need to stay silent. The informant's name is Yamashita Kazuo (Ehh? Ehhhh?). He's got a hand in most, if not all of the underground fights, and he's been keeping tabs on the hero/villains scene for a long time."

"Why do we need to be silent?" Todoroki asked.

"Because you both show too much emotion." Kakashi said blankly.

Bakugou looked at Todoroki and scoffed. "Half n' Half? Emotion?"

"Yes, all that fist clenching and tensing you do is obvious to anyone trained to see it." Kakashi sighed. "Just watch." Kakashi changed his walking style to something more rigid and confident.

"What do you want, kid? This ain't no place for a runt like you."

"I have arrangements to see Kazuo." Kakashi said coldly. "Your boss."

"And what's your name?"

Kakashi looked up at the man, and somehow managed to look at him like he was stupid through the mask. "Oh. So you're an idiot."

"What did you say?"

"I'll say this again slowly, I have arrangements with your boss, would you like me to call him?" Kakashi pulled out his phone, which now had a standard black case on it with a generic background and one visible app. The camera was covered. Kakashi pressed the phone icon, and Kazuo's number came up. "Or would you like to call him and explain to him why we're standing out here chatting?"

"I-I can't let you in. There are no appointments for-"

"Oh. Perhaps you have a death wish then?" Kakashi began to radiate killing intent. "Shame, you had at least a few more days left on your life, lest you annoy someone less patient than I am."

"N-No! Come in!"

"I thought so." Kakashi pushed past him, Todoroki and Bakugou following behind reluctantly.

Bakugou moved to say something, but Kakashi silenced him, making the hand signs for "say nothing."

Kakashi vaguely registered Todoroki sign something to Bakugou as he pushed two large, red doors open.

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