Chapter 7 - Kidnapping? How Unoriginal.

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When Kakashi had decided to go on a jog, he hadn't expected to be kidnapped. Well, that was a lie, Kakashi was always ready for attempted kidnapping/assassination.

What he didn't expect, was that the person would be able to turn into mist and teleport him. Which was how he found himself in his current situation. 'This was probably the reason for my irritation.'

"So... why am I here?"

"Well that's simple." The man who kidnapped him said. Kakashi was wearing handcuffs and a blindfold. The handcuffs separated his hands, so he couldn't form hand signs, and the blindfold was wet for some reason.

"Yeah okay, just because it's simple, doesn't mean I know why I'm here."

"You're here because we require your skills."

"And what, pray tell, do you know of my skills?" Kakashi wrinkled his nose at how much he sounded like Orochimaru. Sure the man was good now, but that didn't mean he had to like his voice.

"Well, we know you have more than one Quirk, we also know that you aren't from here."

"Wow. I can't really say I care, but that's good for you. Can I leave?"

"No. Either you comply, or you die, pick one." A very scratchy voice said.

"I hope you know, that was a terrible rhyme." This earned Kakashi a kick to the stomach.

"Ouch okay, sorry for insulting your rhymes." This time it was a slap. "Let's say I agree with you, and I'm not saying I do, but what's your sob story? Left alone? Abused? Quirk malfunction? Hurt someone you love?" Kakashi could hear scratchy's breathing hitch. "Ah, so a mixture of the last two." He concluded. "And what? You hate heroes because...?"

"No one was there to save me. So I'll show the world-"

"Don't say pain, that sounds too similar to a psychopath-turned-good that I used to know."

"I want to show the world that heroes aren't as good as they seem."

"Okay. So you say you're angry because no one was there for the little guy, right? Well I'm saying that, while I understand your anger, that's bullshit."

"WHAT?!" He yelled.

"I'm not good at this talk-no-jutsu schtick, but I know that heroes can't save everyone, I also know that there will always be people out there who want to. Can you honestly expect to be able to destroy every piece of heroism?" Scratchy was silent. "There'll always be a stubborn kid with a dream. And then that kid shows the rest of the world that maybe it's not so bad, and people start to trust him. It's a whole cycle of bullshit, but it'll happen eventually. Be it during your lifetime, or after you die. No one lives forever, even if you think you can." Kakashi was beginning to think that maybe Naruto had rubbed off on him a little too much.

"Shut up."

"I've met people like you. It never turns out well. Someone wants immortality, but throws away what little humanity and morality they have left. In the end, they still fail. Someone wants revenge, but loses what was left of their sanity in the process. Someone makes allies, only to get stabbed in the back by the one person they thought was with them. Someone is drowning in their own sentimentality, too tired to see past the lies and deceit they knew was there.

"You are sad. You are sad and disappointed. You wanted to be saved. You were expecting the heroes to come for you, and while maybe you don't expect that anymore, you are still that same child. A child who needs someone to pat them on the head and tell them where to go and what to do." Kakashi was secretly glad for all those therapists and all those talks with Minato he had when he was younger. All he had to do was smack this kid with a little bit of sense and talk-no-jutsu, and then boom! Or so he hoped.

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