Chapter 6 - Familiarity

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So. I just realized that this story is probably going to be over 60 chapters long.... Uh... yay

Buses, Kakashi thought, were worse than cars in every way imaginable.

They were slower than normal cars, and incredibly large. Kakashi had tried to move a steering wheel, and while it was relatively simple to control one, he could easily see how your average person might lose control over a car.

A bus was basically an elongated car, so it was probably harder to control. There were windows all along the sides, which didn't make anything any better, because that meant that if a car were to come hurtling towards the bus at top speed, he'd be able to see everything right before he died (though he could probably shunshin out, having more death on his hands might make him lose it.)

"Uh... Kakashi-kun?" Midoriya asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Yes?" Kakashi wasn't too fond of Midoriya. From what he'd heard from Bakugou, Midoriya wasn't strong at all until he was given All Might's power, and even so, he still spoke about how much he wanted to be a hero.

Kakashi was all for having unrealistic dreams, he too often had very unrealistic thoughts he liked to entertain on a regular basis (which included team 7 magicking their way over to this world, Zetsu burning for eternity, or what would've happened if the villagers weren't sacks of shit). It wasn't Midoriya being Quirkless that made the dream unrealistic in Kakashi's opinion, it was the fact that he never once thought to begin to train himself until a Quirk was guaranteed.

Even without a power of some sort, there are ways to be a hero, take Gai and Rock Lee. Neither of them had enough chakra to be seen as "proper" shinobi, but even so, Gai's strength still rivalled his own. Neither of them were as strong as they were because their power was given to them. Their strength came from their training.

Midoriya was kind, sometimes overly kind, so Kakashi didn't hate him, he just felt that there was a lot more he could've done to achieve his dream without the help of All Might.

"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Y-you just looked a little pale so I thought-"

"I'm not a fan of buses." Kakashi cut him off.

"Oh. Okay." Midoriya said before he turned his attention back to his friends.

"Bakubro!" Kirishima grinned.

"Shut up, shitty hair." Bakugou grumbled.

Kakashi resisted the urge to smile. 'It looks like Bakugou's made a new friend.'

The bus slowed to a stop, and they all got out.

"Where are we? Why's there parking?" Uraraka asked.

"Where's class B?" Kaminari wondered.

"Wh-where's the b-bathroom?" Mineta squeaked.

"We wouldn't be here without reason, so...." Eraserhead muttered.

'Ah. So it's already begun then?' Kakashi thought.

"He~y Eraserhead." A woman called. "You haven't contacted us in a while!" She paused. "Lock on target with our sparkly eyes!"

"While our cute, cute stingers sting!!" A different voice continued.

"Wild Wild Pussy Cats!" They said together.

If Kakashi hadn't spent a lot of time with Gai, he would've been shocked.

"These are the pros who'll be looking after you." Aizawa said.

"Wow!" Midoriya beamed, then went off on one of his tangents about heroes. Kakashi filtered the information and took the important bits.

"We actually own this whole area!" One of them said a bit of pride coloring her words. "Your lodgings are over there, by the foot of that mountain." She pointed to a mountain a good few kilometers away.

"What? Why'd we stop here then?" Uraraka asked.

"Why don't we go back to the bus? L-let's go guys." Sero smiled weakly.

"It's 9:30 right now, if you hurry, you might get there at around 12."

"You've gotta be kidding me-"

"Eh, it's not that far." Kakashi shrugged and jumped over the fence. "See ya."

"Wha- Kakashi-kun!" Midoriya yelled after him.

Kakashi vaguely heard one of the women say, "That's the spirit!" before the rest of his classmates came tumbling after him.


As Kakashi darted through the forest, he couldn't help but relish in the familiarity of it all. He landed from tree branch to tree branch like he'd never left (he was still deciding on whether or not that was a good thing) and easily avoided whatever monsters lurked below.

He did end up running into a few of the beasts, and they were taken care of quickly.

Kakashi had originally thought that if he returned to doing things like this, he'd realize how much he missed it. But now, here he was, and he found that he hadn't missed as much as he thought he would.

What was there to miss? The assassinations? No, he didn't miss those at all. Long distance missions? He'd rather stay in one place for a little bit, thank you very much.

It wasn't so much that he missed it, it was a more nostalgic feeling that he only wanted to feel once in a while. It put a smile on his face, but after a while, he could see himself slipping back into the routine he regularly kept at this age. And if Kakashi was going to be honest for once, he didn't want that.

He was... content with the way his life was right now.

He would continue to think about those he'd lost, but the grief wasn't crushing anymore.

He could only hope that this would last.


Shukaku knew who Dabi's father was without him having to explain anything. It was painfully obvious, and he'd known since they began planning.

Shukaku couldn't figure out who was worse, Rasa, or Endeavor. He put them equally low in his book. It wasn't really a competition anyway, but one can't help but compare.

The fact that Endeavor was Dabi's father changed nothing. Shukaku wouldn't feel bad about ruining the man's life, just as he wouldn't have felt bad about ruining Rasa's life.

The world would've lost an asshole either way.

On one hand, Shukaku wanted to kill Endeavor. He wanted to rip him to pieces and watch with satisfaction as his blood pooled around him. On the other hand, Shukaku knew that doing so wouldn't give Dabi what he needed.

Shukaku was well aware that revenge solved nothing. He'd lived long enough to get that message at least. That didn't mean it wasn't oh so tempting at times.

He didn't want to see Dabi go down the same path that the Uchiha brat had. Seeing a person become someone so driven by revenge that they'll throw anyone and anything away is something you need only see once to know that it's not something you ever want to see again.

There was still a way out of this, he was sure. He just had to find it.

Shukaku wasn't a hero, far from it, but he would worship Madara Uchiha before he watched someone give everything to revenge again.

Shukaku wasn't a hero, but he would help Dabi.

Cheesy ending, but I like it.

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