Arise From the Ashes, O' Fallen Soldier Pt. 1

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Here it is, the finale in a few parts!

I've been planning this since before the 100k announcement so I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope it goes well!

Note: Please vote at the thing at the end

Kakashi took Kuroiro head on, surging forward to exchange blows. He didn't have time to check back and see how those around him were faring.

Kuroiro wasn't a particularly difficult fight, but the reanimation did complicate things, as it always did. It was different this time, though. Kakashi figured that since this world was one without chakra, that the reanimation would work a little differently, but it seemed like it drew directly on All for One's stamina instead of working separately.

Kuroiro's regeneration slowed and it seemed that he was too much of a hassle for All for One to use.

"I thought I was dead." Kuroiro said, confused.

"You've been brought back to life with a... Quirk, of sorts." Kakashi explained while restraining Kuroiro with a seal. It wasn't his best work but he was working with a time limit so it would have to do. It wasn't permanently going to restrain Kuroiro but it didn't have to.

"Ah. I see. I'm going to die again, then?"

"...Most likely." Kakashi replied slowly.

"Then... that is... could you apologize to Kinoko for me?"

"I can pass the message along." Kakashi nodded.

Kuroiro smiled wryly before he shut his eyes and disappeared.

There wasn't much time to worry about that, though. The purple mist that was rapidly spreading over the sky. It was likely Kurogiri's doing, though Kakashi had no idea how he was able to do something of such a large scale.

So far, Kakashi had only seen around 4 reanimated people, many of which were being dealt with elsewhere.

A shriek and a scream alerted him to the sky once more, which was beginning to drop reanimated villains and heroes alike.

They hit the ground and pulled themselves together again as they walked, limbs being recreated like it was nothing, though Kakashi knew otherwise.

The frontliner villain was large and bulky and when he moved his arm, the world moved with him. Chunks of earth were pulled from the ground with such force and suddenness that it sounded like bones cracking.

"Incoming!" Someone shouted.

Present Mic moved with speed Kakashi had never seen from him and yelled in the direction of the projectiles, shattering them and rendering the villains caught in the crossfire as useless.

Helicopters whirred in the sky and the military snipers within them began taking shots before it would become hard to tell who was on what side.

The sky had darkened considerably and soon, it was like night time, though from the fires raging from buildings, you wouldn't be able to tell.

Blue fire shot up from the ground and incinerated many of the still living enemy, signaling the arrival of Shukaku and Dabi.

"This is what I get for fucking involving myself." Shukaku grumbled and restrained a reanimated hero that was charging towards him.

"Huh." Shukaku frowned and ran a hand through his black hair. "They're different."

"What?" Dabi asked.

Shukaku didn't deign his question worthy of an answer and instead, moved to stand next to Kakashi, who was disposing of the enemy 2 at a time.

"I'm not sure how well sealing will work on them." Shukaku observed, raising a hand haphazardly to bury some stragglers into the ground.

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