Chapter 3 - Finals

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All of this is just from my memory, I didn't really rewatch this bit because it was kinda boring and I really just wanted to get it over with. I'm a little disappointed in this chapter, so I might come back and rewrite it at some point.

Kakashi didn't usually wear formal clothes, there wasn't a need for it while he was a shinobi because all you had to wear was the Shinobi standard clothing. Whether or not you had a tie didn't matter because the outfit had to be breathable, but tight enough that no one could use an article of your clothing to kill you.

So, needless to say, Kakashi didn't know how to buy formal clothing. At all. His fashion sense wasn't great either. There was a reason he always wore dark colors.

And now, Kakashi finds himself here. In an expensive store with too many options.

"Can I help you?" A man asked. He had light brown hair that went just past his ears, and he was very very tall. At least 6 ft 5.

"A-ah... yes."

"What are you looking for?"

"Semi-formal wear for a dinner."

"I see, and what's your price range?"

"Uh... I don't have one." Kakashi shrugged. He had made quite a bit of money from his job that he did sometimes with a shadow clone. It wasn't too much work for him to just create a shadow clone to get money for him. He could even make multiple. So money wasn't really an issue. At one point, he had 10 shadow clones going at once, though that was a one time thing he did only to see if he could.

"Well then, right this way." The man gestured over to a separate room where they took some measurements. "If you don't mind, who's your audience at this dinner?"

"...Endeavor." Kakashi said. He could practically see the man's eyes bulge out of his skull. "I... uh... know his son...."

The man regathered his bearings and coughed a few times. "I see. I thought I recognized you." He mumbled.

Eventually they found something suitable, (heh, suitable.) which was a dress shirt, black slacks, bronze cufflinks and a dark blue tie. They also gave him a blazer, but he decided not to wear it because that might be too much.

It cost more than Kakashi expected, but he didn't mind.

"Thank you for coming to our store!" The man bowed.

"N-no problem." Kakashi said before he walked off. As soon as Kakashi was in a less populated place, he shunshined back to the house.

"Oh, Kakashi, you're back." Aizawa said from the couch. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yes?" Kakashi really didn't know if this was what he was looking for, but he trusted that man enough for him to feel confident in his clothing choice. That was as far as the trust went though.

"Let's see."

"It's just clothes." He shrugged and took the tie out. Aizawa examined it for a second and looked in the bag before he sighed.

"Kakashi, how much did you spend on this?"

"Eh, about 60 thousand yen, why?" ($739 CAD)

"Are you going to wear this more than once?"

"No, probably not."

"Why didn't you just rent a suit?"

"You can do that?"

"Oh my god." Aizawa rested his forehead in his hands. "Well, what's done is done. Dinner?"


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