Chapter 8 - Tales of Obito's Travels

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This takes place after chapter 11, but before Shukaku ditches the police, then it goes forward as stated.

Wattpad recommendations telling me to read this thinking they've found something I'll like: Hey! Try this! We think you'll like it! 
Me not wanting to hurt Wattpad's feelings because they give me views: Why thank you! I've never even heard of this story before, I'll definitely give it a try. Now, for chapter 9 I should....

The world he was currently in was much different from his own. People seemed kinder here, and no one gave a damn if you were a shinobi or not. Obito had been travelling for about a day and he was now in this place called Korea. He'd picked up a dictionary and scanned through the book with his sharingan, something he was now eternally grateful for, then went on his merry way.

Obito knew that Kakashi also probably wanted to travel, seeing as the only times they had traveled were for missions and the like, so he sent him pictures, videos and souvenirs. Anything he could get his hands on. This was partially out of guilt, but he also wanted Kakashi to see more of the world for himself. Maybe they could come back here later on, Obito mused, it would be fun.

When Obito began his travels, he was dirt poor, other than the 2000$ (CAD) Kakashi had given him. Now that may sound like a lot of money, but Obito was traveling the world. The entire globe. That wasn't really going to last for very long.

He reserved the money for travelling fees, and tried to get a job as a researcher, using his past knowledge of land forms and human anatomy that he happened to pick up while he was stuck in Madara's man cave.

It worked for a little bit, though, he suspected it was mostly out of pity for a teenager who was traveling alone. Obito took what he could get.

He spent some time on a beach in Busan and sent Kakashi a few pictures which he knew he liked, then he was off to another part of Korea. He was travelling slowly, and Obito knew that there was no way he'd be able to see everything, so he just spent a lot of time in three or four really cool places.

When he learned that Kakashi would be on National TV, he made sure to watch and send his congratulations when he won.

He went to as many sites as he could, but time was limited and he didn't want to tire himself out.

Next was China. He'd made some friends in Korea who were travelling to China, and as long as he pulled his weight, they said they would let Obito come with them on the van they'd rented there. It was an interesting experience, but Obito enjoyed it.

Obito spent a lot of his time off the grid, so he saved pictures and made sure to send them to Kakashi when he had WiFi.

He saw the Great Wall of China, The Forbidden City, and he spent a lot of time talking to the people there and getting to know them. He slowly remembered how to not be the bad guy, and he began to enjoy talking to people again.

His favorite encounter so far was with a man who was sitting on a park bench.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" Obito asked, he'd just spent the day sightseeing, and needed a break.

"Do you have an ass?" The man asked, looking up from his bird watching. Or, that was what Obito assumed he was doing with the binoculars.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, do you have an ass?"

"Uh... yes?"

"Then there's your answer." The man said, and resumed his birdwatching.

"Thank you...?"

"Honestly, kids these days. So polite." That was an argument Obito had never heard before, and he didn't know if he was supposed to feel flattered or insulted. He chose flattered.

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