Chapter 9 - Before You Say Anything...

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Ahaha we're so close to the end I'm really freaking out.

Kakashi prided himself on being adaptable. Anything that got thrown on him he could handle without showing much outwards stress.

In this situation, however, he was flabbergasted.

It almost felt like maybe he was dreaming because this was just so absurd.

He'd know, logically, that Obito had much more Chakra than your average citizen, and naturally he would be good at knowing how to use it, he had been living with Madara for a long time. But seeing Obito just use Kamui for such a distance so flippantly really cemented the idea that Obito was easily a match for Kakashi at this age, if not stronger.

"You're going to give me gray hairs." Kakashi sighed.

"But... your hair is already gray?" Obito said, confused.

"It's silver." Kakashi muttered. "I can't believe you just left! Did you ever think about where you were going to stay?"

"Kakashi, there's a war coming! We don't have time to be worried about living arrangements!"

There was a quiet knock on the door.

"Kakashi?" Todoroki asked.

"Get in the pocket dimension." Kakashi hissed.

"But why-"

"Just do it before I make you."

"Jeez, harsh much." Obito grumbled before he disappeared in a swirl.

"Come in, Todoroki."

The door creaked open and Todoroki stepped into his room.

"I've received an email...." He said quietly.

"Oh? Who sent it?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm not sure." Todoroki handed him a computer and Kakashi read over the email. It's a code, he realizes. Kakashi dragged a hand down his face and sent himself the email.

"It's probably just spam, if they get weirder let me know."

Todoroki left the room and Kakashi brought Obito out of the pocket dimension.

"So... what are we gonna do?" Obito asked, seriousness lacing his tone.

As much as Kakashi would've loved to just pretend that they weren't about to live through yet another war (though technically neither of them lived through the last one, but that wasn't important), reality was beginning to catch up to them.

"Well, I'd say we prepare for what this is."

Obito sighed. The sigh was weighted with grief and tiredness. Kakashi mentally prepared for the sleepless nights ahead.


It's not like Kakashi was planning on just letting Obito live in his room without the knowledge of the other people who lived there. It just... happened.

They would be moving into the dorms in a few days anyway, so it hardly mattered.

Though Kakashi's skin was pale, he hardly got deep eyebags, even if he hadn't slept at all the previous night. Which was great, the only way he would show outward tiredness was if he was so tired that he forgot to hide how tired he was.

Alright, it wasn't a fantastic system, but with war on the horizon and no time to plan he had to use every second as if it was his last.

They were all packing for the move into the dorms when Aizawa knocked on the door. Obito disappeared into the pocket dimension.

"Yo." Kakashi greeted him, not looking up from packing his things. He liked this house. Now he was moving again.

"How's it going?" Aizawa asked. Hizashi must be talking to Todoroki then.

"Maa, it's going. I have more stuff than I thought." He hadn't thought it would be so difficult to transport a plant, but Mr. Ukki Sr. couldn't be left behind.

"Mhm." Aizawa nodded and Kakashi can tell that he isn't only here to talk about packing.

Kakashi doesn't really have a good way to transition into asking him about it, so he puts it bluntly. "Was there something you wanted to add?"

"You know," Aizawa begins and Kakashi choses to stop talking. This is Aizawa's lecture voice and as much as he would love to just whistle and pretend Aizawa isn't talking, he can't. "You would think..." Aizawa continues, "that I would be able to tell if there was someone in my house who wasn't supposed to be here."

Ah, so that's what this is about.

Kakashi doesn't show any outward panic, he just eyesmiles.

"Yes, you would think that would be the case." Kakashi nods in agreement and Aizawa raises an eyebrow.

"Right. So then why is it... that there's been someone here for I don't even know how long without my knowledge?"

"Well isn't that a doozy of a question? I'd have to say it's because you didn't realize they were here sooner, if you did then we could've dealt with this a few days ago-"


"Yes?" Kakashi tried not to grin, he really did.

"Why have you been keeping someone in the house without my knowledge?"

"Well, if I said that I was secretly running a cult that was planning on taking over the world, you wouldn't let me have meetings here anymore."

"Kakashi." Aizawa repeats, and now Kakashi knows that he should stop kidding around.

His face turns serious and the fake grin drops off his face. "There are a lot of things going on right now, y'know." He says.


Kakashi blinks and the genjutsu that was on the room fades. The walls are covered in maps and notes. It looks like a conspiracy theorist's basement.

"Kami...." Aizawa breathes. "What... is all this?"

Kakashi looks around and shrugs. "Maps of various places in japan, notes, plans, that sort of thing." He scans the walls again. "There is a connection though." He sounds like a conspiracy theorist. All that was missing was the mumbling.

"Maps of what? Notes on what? What are you planning for?"

Kakashi sighs and he's suddenly aware of how tired he feels. "War."

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