Chapter 7 - Only the Beginning

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Sorry for how long it took me to get this out, I needed to fix some things in the later chapters because I wasn't happy with how it turned out, and I didn't want to post anything until I fixed it.

But enough about that, I'm back! And here's the chapter. Things will be getting S P I C Y very soon. (Not S P I C Y as in smut, S P I C Y as in shit's about to go down.)

Kakashi and Todoroki walked onto the platform in silence. The crowd was practically shouting their lungs out.

"I know you're stronger than me." Todoroki said.

"Oh? And how did you come to that conclusion?"

"Did you think I wouldn't?" Todoroki questioned.

"No. You are one smart cookie." Kakashi shrugged. Todoroki stared at him blankly.

"And... start!" Midnight called. Todoroki stomped and ice grew from the ground and engulfed the stadium. At the same time, fire left Kakashi's mouth and melted some of the ice.

Todoroki was calm, and melted his way through the ice, sealing off the end. He darted forward and aimed a punch at Kakashi's gut, which was deflected easily. They began to exchange blows back and forth.

"Lesson #1. Hand to hand combat. If you can't lay a hit, what do you do?" Kakashi dodged a high kick, "Make an opening." and blocked another punch with his elbow. "Wow, you've really improved." Kakashi complimented while dodging and blocking Todoroki without even breaking a sweat.

"Please do not take this personally." Todoroki said, stepping back and releasing one of the largest fireballs Kakashi had ever seen in his life, which was saying something considering he'd fought Madara fire-is-life-fire-is-love-now-bow-peasants Uchiha.

"Doton: Shinju Zanshu no Jutsu!" Kakashi slipped into the ground. The fire dissipated, and Kakashi pulled Todoroki into the ground. "Lesson #2."

"Don't let your opponent get behind you!" Todoroki said, practiced and quickly. He whipped around and evaded Kakashi's... jutsu.

"Good." Kakashi nodded, ducking under Todoroki's foot. "Lesson #3." He stopped moving and let Todoroki hit him.

"If the bait is obvious." He disappeared with a poof. "Don't take it."

Todoroki looked around frantically.

"Lesson 2." This time, Todoroki couldn't turn around fast enough. He shot through a hole in the ice prism, and was caught by Cementoss.

Kakashi grinned, remembering the bell test with Team 7. Good times, good times.

Well... not for them, or Naruto's... backside.

Kakashi melted all the ice and stepped off the platform. The crowd was silent for quite a long time, and only after most of the ice had disappeared did they begin to cheer. Though they likely didn't know what they were cheering for, they'd just seen one of the strongest first years get shot out of the ring, and they had no idea how, which was a good thing for Kakashi. He didn't want a mark for sexual assault on his record.

When Todoroki came to sit down, he avoided turning his back on Kakashi, and opted to just sit on the farthest seat away from him. Fair enough. Todoroki's face was carefully blank, but whenever someone would ask him about what had happened, he would wrinkle his nose and look away. Again, fair enough.

The next fight was Bakugou against Tsu, which ended quickly and in Bakugou's favor. While Tsu's Quirk was great for water and anything related to it, it wasn't too good with fire and explosions.

And so, Kakashi's match against Bakugou began.

"You'd better not hold back you Cyclops bastard!"

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