~~ 57. ~~

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*To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that's everything. - T. Tolis*

Song for the chapter: Just the way you are by Bruno Mars

Lola felt numb all over her body when she woke up. The middle of her thigh tingles a little with pain but the sensation is kind of wonderful and different. As it brought a reminder of what happened between her and Demilade the previous night.

Every bit of it from the touch, to the kiss, nibbling, sucking, soft caress and fingering. It was beautiful, memorable and engraved in her head and heart. Demilade has the sweetest touch. He sure knows how to treat a woman and she had the best orgasm without the real sex.

His touch, kiss and soft words and the magic his fingers do, are enough to give her the best orgasms she ever had. And that brought a grin to her face.

She closed her eyes as she remembered and feel those sweet words he muttered in her ears, the feel of his warm callous hand on her body, those nibbling and the magic of his lips on hers and other parts of her body.

And that made her ponder how he was able to control himself despite he knew she wanted him and vice versa.

Yeah, they both had the best intimate moments and had a beautiful organism. But it was just the touch, caress and kisses. He never had real sex with her despite he knew she desperately want him not just digital sex. But he controlled himself so well.

However, she still love what they shared. The moments were sensual and beautiful.

She turned around on the bed and Demilade was nowhere to be found as usual but this time she wasn't disappointed. She knew he was an early morning person and he would have left the room to go about doing his usual morning stuff.

She turned to the other side of the bed, sitting up when she saw him standing in front of the glass wall overlooking the sea. He was shirtless in just a short.

Involuntary, her smile grows wider. And she sat admiring the man from afar. She does that before. But something felt so different about doing it at that moment. It felt so so different. It was so unusual but amazingly. She can look him up without thinking she was being stupid or rude neither have to be discreet about it.

He was all there in his glory, in those amazing abs and biceps which have developed from all those morning exercises and frequent visits to the gym. There was a time she would just sit wondering how it will feel like touching them. But that time is gone. She could stare as she want, she can even touch them, feel them.

Just like the previous night.

Then she noticed his tattoo. She just loves the sight of the eagle tattoo on his back. The soaring eagle with the wing spread out and the head facing upward was colourful, beautiful and aesthetically appealing.

She stands up from the bed and walked up to him standing at his back to admire the tattoo up close. She smiled as she traced her hand on it.

"Good morning." She greeted him when he turned his head.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked turning back to face the wall with a smile.

"Yes." She answered still tracing her finger on his tattooed back.

"I see you like my tattoo." He had a smirk on his face.

She nodded even if he can't see her. "Yes. It's so beautiful. The person who drew is so good."

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