~~ 42. ~~

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*Never love anybody who treats you like you're ordinary. - Oscar Wilde*

"I know. But I need you to stay for one more week." He deadpans.

              Lola shot her eyes up and she glared at Demilade.

"Excuse me. What do you mean by that?" She asked.

            Demilade groaned. He hated repeating himself and Lola wanted him to do that. Patiently, he did.

"I need you to stay for one more week. Making it two weeks that you will be staying." Lola hit her hand on the table angrily making a loud noise.

            Well, he expected the outburst so he just stared at her.

"Don't fucking tell me that Demilade. This deal ends in eight days. Seven actually. " Lola groaned.

"I know."

"No, you do not." She spat. "What's your problem, Demmy? What do you take me for? Some robot or toy? For crying out loud Demilade, I have my own life to live. I'm supposed to be out of your life by now but here I am. Because you threatened me."

"I never did that."

"Oh really?! How about I am the mastermind of this deal? I'm not going to pay you a dime until the days are completed. Uh?" She asked mimicking his tone.

         Demilade rubbed his temple and he closed his eyes for a short while before opening them.

"Listen, Lola, I know you are angry and I understand..."

         She cut him short. "You fuckin don't." She snapped.

"Watch your tongue, Lola," Demilade said trying to calm his temper.

"Watch my tongue? You don't tell me what to do. You are not my father." She stood up angrily. "I'm not hearing any more nonsense from you. Whether you like it or not, this deal ends in six days. And you are going to pay me my money and we won't have to see each other faces again. Or better still, you keep your money." She packed her unfinished food and left him in the dining room.

           Demilade groaned and he rest his head on his hand. He has never had to deal with women like this. But he wasn't giving up. He would let her anger die down before approaching her again. He needs to go take a shower and rest.


        Demilade stands in front of Lola's room. It's been ten hours since their argument in the dining room. He assumed her anger should have subsidies. So he came to her room in the hope to convince her again.

         He knocks on the door and waits for a reply. There wasn't any reply. He knocked again and he heard a muffled voice sounding from within. He wondered what she was doing.

"Come in." Lola's voice becomes audible.

          He furrowed his brow in confusion before he shrugged and turned the knob of the door and entered the room. The smell of Lola's perfume hit his nose when he stepped into the room.

          And he looked around the room. She wasn't in the room and he thought about where she was.

           Then he heard running water from the bathroom and some muffled voice. His thoughts were running wild all of a sudden and he need to put himself in check so he decided to leave the room and come back later when he heard footsteps.

"Sorry, the holes were blocked and I  was...." She stopped short when she saw Demilade standing in the middle of her room. She had thought it was Deborah. She didn't expect to see Demilade that day.

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