chapter 3

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July 22nd 1991

Harry woke up early to get a start on breakfast. Then he would grab the post. He had been counting down the days until today, he was preparing to save his cousin a little strife over the next week. He didn't really care about his uncle spending the week half-insane, but Dudley helped him once near the end of the war and this was the only way Harry was ever going to repay him.

It was Monday so he had to cook a big breakfast before his uncle went to work. He tried to cook quickly so that he was settled ready to move.

When the bacon and eggs were finally on the table and everyone was eating- Harry obviously not included- the post came.

"Dudley get the post."

"Make Harry get it."

"Boy go and get that. Then get to Mrs Figgs."

"Yes uncle." Harry rushed to get to the front door. He picked up the letters, sifting through for the thick parchment envelope. He shoved it into his shirt and passed the rest of the letters to his uncle Vernon.

"Now get off."

Harry hid his smile until he got out of the door. He ran at a full sprint all the way to Mrs Figgs house.

"You look out of breath Harry. Come in and have breakfast." Mrs Figg knew he wouldn't have had breakfast so always offered him some cereal. He felt guilty for thinking so badly of her at the very beginning. She was more family than the Dursleys' would ever be.

"Thank you."

"Oh it's nothing Dearie. Now eat."

She made Harry take some of the banana milk from the fridge. She was trying to fatten him up ready for Hogwarts and Banana milk was something Arabella Figg had had a weakness for since she was a child.

"Thanks Mrs Figg. I've got something to show you." Harry told her from across the tiny table in the kitchen. "My Hogwarts letter!" He showed her the parchment envelope.

"Oh well done Harry." Harry and Mrs Figg had developed a sort of grandparent like relationship; and Harry was glad for someone to share his excitement with. His memories did nothing to hinder his ten-year-old joy. "Come on and finish your milk. You can borrow Candace to send Albus your reply."

Mrs Figg leant Harry a piece of parchment and a quill to write his letter. The quill felt alien in his hand, his handwriting had never been great but it was like he was holding the quill for the first time again.

"Are you okay Harry?"

"I'm finding it hard to write Mrs Figg. It's strange, I've written with a quill a thousand times before." He confessed to her.

Mrs Figg looked down at the page and thought for a moment; though she new a little of time travel most of it was guess work for her. "You know what I think Harry. I don't think you have." She smiled and cut him off. "Wait let me explain. Your memories, or soul travelled back in time. Not your body. This body has never held a Quill before. You need to re-learn." She smiled in a comforting, joking sort of way. "Either that or its because you're hands are tiny."

"Damn, Snape's going to have my head- again." Harry complained making the older woman smile even wider. It was great for her, she didn't get very much contact with wizards. Even if it was just little Harry Potter.

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