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Harry sat at the table with Hermione on his left and Draco and Ron opposite him. He liked having a group and being able to share it with Draco too. It was nice to have all of his friends in one place.

Not long before the meal started Theodore Nott came up to them with Blaise Zabini, Crabb, and Goyle behind them.

"Having a last meal, Potter?" Zabini spat.

"It's Evans-Potter and no Nott I haven't been kicked out."

"We wouldn't dirty our tongue with that mudblood's name." Blaise snarled.

Harrys mouth set into an infuriated line. "You seem a lot braver now you down here with friends to back you up."

"I could take you Potter."


"Whatever. How about a wizard duel, just wands, no contact?" Harry glared at the familiarity of the situation. "You do know what a wizard duel is don't you-"

"Yes I do- I just need to decide on a second." Harry looked between the three people beside. "Draco, would you do it?"

"Sure." It was a good way to get his own back on the Slytherins- only if Harry died though- which wasn't likely.

"The trophy room's always open. Midnight."

"See you there." Harry nodded and the four Slytherin's left the table with one last look at the Head table to be sure the teachers were still looking.

"You can't go out- you-"

"Hermione we're not actually going. It was obviously a set up. Don't worry."

"Really?" Draco asked.

"You can go if you want, but I'm not going to."

"Oh- alright then." She looked far calmer now as she returned to her food. Ron and Draco looked confused, but turned back to their meals as well.

Harry slept well with the knowledge of how tired he was after going through this night last time. As he slept he dreamed of a memory- of the adventure he and Ron had.

This dream woke Harry with a start of realisation.

Today was the first day in his fight against Voldemort. What would happen if he missed this? If he missed his encounter with Fluffy. Although truth be told he wasn't eager to find the mirror again.

Harry couldn't sleep knowing Fluffy and the stone were out there vulnerable to Quirrall. Harry needed to figure it out; what he should do?

He thought about going to the headmaster but shook that idea off quickly. He never really gave the right help when Harry did ask. He could go to Professor McGonagall or Snape or even Hagrid.

Maybe he should just shake Quirralls hand and be done with it.

Harrys eyes widened in the dark- logically that would work. All he had to do was touch the parasite and he would be sent off. How would he do it through?

Zana had been woken up by Harrys movements and meowed at him.

"Morning girl." Harry smiled and got out of bed. It was still very dark as Harry grabbed a pair of trousers and padded down to the common room with Zana at his heals.

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