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"Are you coming, 'Arry?" Fleur asked. Her family was waiting to meet her. Harry nodded and nudged his familiar to follow them. He couldn't wait to see the people here to cheer him on.

He was sure the Wood's would be there, as well as Sirius. He hoped Mrs Figg and the Weasleys' would be there, too. Fleur really needed to meet Bill. There were a lot of people on his list. His cousin, however, was not on it.


"Umm, Hi Harry." He looked different. Much thinner and far bulkier than Harry had seen him last. He looked uncomfortable in Hogwarts.

"What- how?"

"Your, umm, Gran. I asked her to bring me. It's a long story."

"Why?" Harry asked. "Not that it's not good to see you, but… Why?"

"Thanks for the birthday cards." Dudley paled. "You didn't have to, you know."

Harry nodded. He realised what was going on. "Dudley, can you give me a minute?" The older boy nodded.

Harry went to hug all the people he had expected to see. His Gran, Oliver and his parents, Mrs Weasley, Bill, and Sirius. They all greeted him and tried to talk to him.

"Umm guys can we catch up in a bit." Harry asked. "I haven't seen Dudley in three years."

"Of course, Honey." Mrs Weasley said, nodding. "Bill and I will go fine Ron and the twins."

"It's fine, I'll talk to Draco, pup."

"Thanks I'll be back soon." Harry moved back to Dudley. "Come on, I'll show you around."

"Thanks Harry."

It was a good icebreaker, showing him around. Harry took Dudley outside to the courtyard. "So what do you think?"

"I can't believe it's a school!"

"Where do you go now?"

"St Bart's. It's near where Aunt Marge lives. Its good not like this though. I like it anyway. I had to have counselling. Because of… you know."

"Yeah, same here."

"I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't understand how wrong it was. They taught me at Bart's. Showed me; they thought I had gone through the same… anyway. You- my parents are sick. Horrible and Sick!"

"It's okay, Dudley."

"No, it's not! I shouldn't have been a part of it. Harry, how could you send me all those card for my birthdays and Christmas? After all I did!"

"We- we were still kids Dudley. And we're still family."

"I don't think you're a freak Harry. Your- this magic. It's so good, and amazing!" Harry nodded. "I'm keeping myself healthy now. I take boxing, karate, and Rugby. To get my aggression out you know. I'm doing better in classes."

"I'm top of my year here." Harry told him. "It's great. I'm on the Quidditch team."

"That's a sport right?"

"Yeah like basketball and stuff on a broom. It's fun."

There was a small silence. "I have to talk to my mother once a month on the phone. I can't visit; not like I would want to. I used to talk to my father too before, umm…."


"You didn't hear…? Umm, yeah. He… He died. You know how prisons are, right? Things with kids, well, everyone hates Child Abusers in prison. They… They broke his neck. That's what aunt Marge said, anyway."

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