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Harry took Luna's arm as the Weird Sisters came onto the stage. They headed down to the dance floor. Harry held Luna close, his face being split by a huge grin. He didn't think they would be able to show up Fleur or Viktor, but Cedric was surely an option.

They danced in carful choreographed circles. Luna looked close to an angel; at least in Harrys opinion. She was smiling ever so widely. He was glad to see her happy, but it was strange to see her looking so normal. He liked Luna for her, butter beer corks, radishes, and all.

The dance didn't last too long and Luna wanted to sit down. Harry headed over to where Ginny and Neville were sitting.

"Hi guys."

"Hey Harry, Luna."

"Is your foot okay?" Luna asked.

"I'm fine Luna." Ginny smiled. "We're just not the best of dance partners."

"I don't really like dancing." Luna agreed. "Harrys better at it, but I don't like it much."

"I agree." Harry nodded. "Would you like a drink Luna?"

"Oh, yes please."

"Neville?" Harry inquired as he got up.

Neville quickly realised what Harry meant. "Oh yeah, is there anything you would like Ginny?"

"Could you get me a couple of those biscuits, please?"


"Thanks, Neville."

Harry took Neville over to get the drinks. The boy looked very uncomfortable. His confidence had been growing more and more every day. But this situation was enough to make anyone nervous.

"Luna loves the flower. Thanks Neville."

"Oh, it was fine. It's just a wild flower."

"No seriously, thanks Neville. It was absolutely perfect." Harry smiled. He picked up two glasses for himself and Luna.

"Hey, guys." Fred came up to the table, although His date wasn't with him.

"Hey, Fred." The twins were always amazed that Harry was able to get it correct.

"You having fun."

"Not bad." Harry answered. "Luna wanted a drink."

"Angelina said you two looked really good up there. She's a girl so you can trust her judgement."

"What did you think of Hermione?" Neville started to sneak off so he could take the biscuits to Ginny.

"She looks nice." Fred nodded. "She danced better than Krum, anyway."

"Yeah, he's not the most graceful, is he?" Harry agreed with a chuckle. "Have you spoken to Percy yet?"

"Why would I?"

"You could give him some brotherly advice. Penelope is apparently angry with him."

"Is she- what'd he do?" Fred asked with wide eyes.

"Forgot an anniversary or something."

"Oh this is wonderful. I think I need to go and speak to George."

"Just don't make a scene." Harry told them.

"Wouldn't dream of it!"

Harry found his way back to Luna. Draco was sitting there now, although Fray was nowhere to be seen. Harry could see both Ron and Hermione still Happily on the dance floor.

Red dragon Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora