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"Good luck Harry." Luna smiled at him but it seemed forced. She sounded genuinely worried for the first time Harry could remember. She was dressed in her school robes with her Lion Hat. She was walking down with Harry, Ron, Draco and Hermione.

Harry took her hand. "I'll be fine Luna. I know what I'm doing promise."

"Yeah we've practiced like hell." Hermione nudged him.

"You'll do better than anyone else here."

"No problem." Draco agreed.

"Yeah. Just a little dragon. Faced them like twice before." The group made a week sort of laugh.

"Seriously Harry." Luna looked at him; they were outside the tent now.

"Oh umm we should find the twins." Ron suggested.

"Good idea Ret." Hermione caught on quicker than Draco. "They might cause a scene of some sort. Come on Dray."

"Subtle." Harry smiled.

"Here." She held out a bracelet made of metal wire and green ribbon. "For luck."

"Thank you Luna." Harry held it and tried to get it on.

"Let me help." Luna reached forward and fastened it around his left wrist.

"I love it thank you." Harry leaned forward he thought for a moment about kissing her. Instead he placed his arms around her in a hug. "Thank you. Luna."

"Good Luck Harry Potter."

Harry walked into the tent and waited. He held his modal dragon in his hand. He wondered if Hagrid would like it.

He watched as Cedric went out to face his dragon. All three of them wished him the best of luck.

Cedric had listened closely to Harry's advice. He used the most powerful Lumos he could conger. Partly blinding most of the crowd as well as the Swedish Short Snout.

He held it above his head the whole time and was only seen again at the edge of the stadium with the egg in his hand.

Next was Fleur who didn't have such an easy time. She summoned a black sheep to feed the dragon. Unknown to her she had stolen it from a nearby farm. The Dragon ran after it and ate it quickly.

Once it had finished it turned angrily back to the girl raiding its nest. Only quick moves had Fleur out of the way in time. She escaped with only a small burn on her shoulder.

Viktor faced the Chinese fireball by trapping it in a lake of water. Momentarily forgetting it could fly. He got out with a few mild burns but the egg in his arms.

Then it was Harrys turn.

He made sure his hair was tied away from his face and walked out. He stood still and cast his summoning charm into the sky.

With a simple notice me not charm he walked towards the nest. It would only protect him for so long. He glanced people looking at him confused. They had been watching before the charm was cast so they couldn't really be swayed from him.

They all wondered why just walking to the nest was actually working. It was when he actually touched the eggs that the mothering instinct broke through the charm.

That was when the Firebolt came to Harry rescue.

Nearly three decades of practice let Harry jump and land on the broom whilst it was still mid-air. The crowd was naturally impressed.

He flew round the dragon confusing it as he grabbed the egg on the return. The Dragon became furious. Luckily Harry new exactly what to do. Dodging and moving away from the fire and the tail. Not a clip or a burn from the dragon. Harry easily escaped with the golden egg in his hands.

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