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Harry carried his Hogwarts things and Zana through the floo into the Weasley living room. Mrs Wood had made sure he at least had a birthday breakfast with the family. They brought him a broom maintenance kit. Oliver smiled proudly when Harry blushed as he thanked them.

"Harry." Hermione was the first to find him. This was in fact the wrong thing to do.

"REAOW!" Zana once again jumped as far away from the floo as she could get. How dare her master subject her to that twice!

"Mrs Weasley; would you please fix Zana's coat or she'll never forgive me."

Molly waved her wand and Zana was clean and shiny again. She padded up to the woman and rubbed around her legs. "Meow."

"She says thank you."

"You speak cat now?" Fred asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's not hard to decipher." Harry smiled. "Hi guys."

"Hello." Fred and George grabbed him. "Now spill it; is Wood training you into the ground?"

"Pretty much but he's actually pretty easy to live with. They all seem to like me."

"Told you he would." Fred told his brother as they replaced the boy back on the ground.

"Umm Harry where are your glasses?" Hermione asked.

"Oh it was a birthday present to myself. I asked professor Snape to make me a potion to fix my eye sight." Harry grinned; blinking a few times.

"HARRY! Are you insane?!" Draco was the only one who reacted this way. "You don't do that. Its, Its."

"Draco calm down. I spoke to people who had had it done. I checked over it fully. I asked a mediwitch and the Potions master. It's perfectly safe."

"So you can see now?" Hermione asked.

"Better than I could when I was wearing my glasses." Harry smiled.

"Umm will I get some Harry time?" Ron pushed past his brothers. "I was the one who invited him."

"Hi Ron."

Ron threw his arms around his friends. "Thank you Harry."

Harrys body froze. "Umm what did I do?"

The twins were the ones who answered. "I think he may be talking about the 'forgotten' birthday in March. It was quite a shock when we came home to find the broom here. Nimbus Astro just like Oliver's I believe."

"Oh yeah. Surprise."

"Harry you dick." Ron shoved him but was smiling.

"You really thought I had forgotten your birthday?"

"Well you did have a lot going on."

"Ron aren't you going to show your friends around." Mr Weasley stood at the door way. "Hello Harry it's great to see you."

"Hello Mr Weasley." Harry waved as he followed Ron, Draco and Hermione up the stairs.

"So it's not much- but I guess its home." Ron finished the tour in his own room.

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