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"Wow." Luna looked at the Thestral at the front of the cart. Harry smiled and fed the animal a strip of meat. The dark beak snapped up the food; all anyone else could see was the meat disappearing.

"They're called Thestals." He smiled at the creature. "They're gentle and really friendly." Harry pulled Neville's arm to stroke them.

Nevilles hand moved stiffly. "They're a bit…?"

"Different. I know. They're lovely animals." The Thestral spread his wings proudly.

"What are they looking at?" Draco asked.

"Can't you see them?" Neville asked and everyone else shook their heads.

"They can only be seen by people who have seen death; people who have seen someone die." Harry explained. "Beautiful aren't they."

"Yes they are." Luna smiled and let the creature nuzzle at the palm of her hand. "What do they eat?"

"Meat mostly." Harry explained as he lifted Luna and Ginny into the carriage. "Some crushed fruits and bugs. But mostly meat."

Luna spent the time on the train making her Preox charm in a compartment with Genevieve, Ginny and now a nervous Fray.

"Harry why don't you cut your hair?" Hermione asked.

"I like it longer. So I can tie it up- I'm fighting a losing battle trying to flatten it down." Hermione smiled looking at Harrys very wild hair.

Draco and Ron were playing with the chess sets that Harry gave them. Harry and Hermione discussed the Defence club. Hermione was insisting they planned out everything ready. Weeks before hand.

When they got off the train it didn't take more than ten seconds for Mrs Malfoy to find Draco. She hugged him in front of everyone.

"Hey, have a nice Christmas."

"Yeah you to Dray." Harry said as Draco was dragged off by his mother. She wanted to be assured he was completely alright.

"Oliver, Harry." Eleanor smiled at the boys. "How was school?"

"It was great mom. Harry won us the match against Ravenclaw. Seconds mom."

"Told you the new broom wasn't a waste of money." Harry smiled; Oliver had promised not to tell his mother about the snake incident. He understood now but was not in the least bit happy about it.

"Ah Hello Mrs Granger yes?" Eleanor asked.

"Lucy." Mrs Granger shook her hand and then so did Jack Granger.

"I'm Eleanor. So glad you're coming for the holiday. I miss the big Christmas' we used to have." Eleanor had four older and three younger siblings once. All four of her brothers died in the war as did one of her sisters. The one sister moved to marry a Wizard in Dumstrang; The town not the school. Vivian the youngest sister visited but had no partner or children of her own. Leslie himself was an only child.

"Hermione really wanted to see a big Wizard Christmas." Lucy smiled at the girl.

"Oh yes we'll have everything I promise. Oh and you must stay for the new year ball. Have you ever taken the Knight bus Lucy?" Eleanor said in one breath almost.

"Can't say I have."

"Come on Hermione. The Knight bus is awful; it'll be great." Harry encouraged Hermione to the side of the road.

"We just have to wait for Anna." Eleanor looked around for the woman.

"Gwen is over there." Oliver pointed to the Ravenclaw girl with her younger sister Genevieve; Luna's best friend.

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