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Chapter 20

Oliver seemed to love having Harry around. He would join the younger boy as he kept up his running. They would be constantly practicing Quidditch rather than doing their summer homework. Harry could feel his grades slipping already.

Even so he was having fun and he had almost no time to be thinking about anything. Oliver made sure he was constantly distracted with something. It seemed the Keeper had always wanted a younger brother.

He had visited his Gran twice that summer. He slept at her house one night each time. He enjoyed his visits but seeing the moving vans at Private drive was a little daunting. It was hard to believe that he put his aunt and uncle in prison. Dudley would hate him forever.

"Hey Oliver." Harry asked in one of the few breaks he had at the Wood house. It was Draco's birthday the next day and Harry wanted to send his present over so was writing a letter.

"Yeah." Oliver was flipping through Quidditch Quarterly rather than doing his work.

"Are there any spells or potions that fix eyesight?"

"Umm you know; I don't know. Ask mom; she'll know." Eleanor was a mediwitch; if she didn't know a way to do it there probably wasn't one.

"Alright." Harry waved his competed letter in the air and headed towards the owl perch. He secured the present to Hedwigs leg with the letter and sent her to Draco's.

He then wondered around the house finding Eleanor in the hallway. "Eleanor?" Harry called. He wasn't allowed to call her Mrs Wood; it made her feel old.

"Yes Harry." She turned to him.

"Do you know if there are any potions or spells that fix eyesight? I asked Oliver but he said to ask you."

"Well there are; but very few people like it. The eyes are the gateway to the soul; People don't like to tamper with something like that."

"What is it then?"

"It's a potion that you drop into your eyes. Very advanced. My brother used it and he was nearly blind. He's fine now; he can see perfectly."

"Would I be able to get some?"

She smiled and moved closer to him. "You can only order it custom made Harry. Most people don't like it so they are made to order. I'm sure if you could find a capable potion master he or she could brew it for you."

"Thank you Eleanor."

"Your very welcome. But Harry If you do ask someone; could you, please run the potion master by me first."

"I was going to ask Severus Snape."

"Oh never mind then. What would you like for tea?" He was quite a famous potions master. Despite being a teacher.

"Can we have that chicken meal you made last week please?"

"Of course." She gave him her motherly smile and headed to the kitchen.

Harry wrote the professor the letter. He asked as politely as he could; and maybe rubbed on his ego a little. Oliver lent him Tio the owl- as Hedwig was still on her way to Malfoy Manor- to send the letter to Hogwarts but surprisingly Professor Snape said yes.

He would have to deliver the potion by hand and wanted thirteen galleons for ingredients. Thought he said he was more than happy to make the potion.

It was amazing Harry; assumed that Dobby didn't know where he was as his post was getting through just fine. He wrote to all his friends that summer.

Neville had been built a greenhouse by his gran for good results. Hermione was continuing with her Runs in the morning. Draco thanked Harry for the Teop Board (It was a board game for one or more players). Ron was telling him everything that went on in the burrow and begging Harry to visit before his birthday. Harry suspected Ron was going to give him a present that would kill Errol if he carried it.

Harry asked his guardians if he could visit Ron for his birthday. They told him he could as both of Ron's parents would be there. It seemed they didn't want to restrain Harry too much.

Ron had written to Hermione and Draco to join them at the burrow. Both of them said they would. Neville, who had also been invited, had to stay at home as it was his own birthday the next day. He would be visiting his parents.

Harry spent some time finishing his homework the week before he was due to visit Ron. The rest of the time was spent between Flying with Oliver and reading some advanced level books. Harry had a fascination with shield spells.

It was the day before he was to stay with the Weasleys that Professor Snape showed up at the door; it was seven o'clock in the morning.

Oliver was outraged that one of his teachers was in his house, in the Holidays at that, so spent his time outside on his broom. Eleanor and Lee (as Harry was told to call him) stayed with Harry as the professor administer the potion.

"Are you sure you want to do this Mr Evens? It is quite permanent." Harry couldn't help but feel with that voice he was about to get detention.

"What will happen?"

"I will put three drops of this in each eye. You then keep them closed for half an hour. Then I put five drops of this second one into your eyes; you blink five times." Harry nodded. "Your vision will be blurry for a few hours. Now nine hours after I have finished the second one; I place a drop of this final potion in each eye. You close your eyes for ten seconds and if it is successful you should have perfect vision." He explained the entire potion step by step so Harry would know exactly what would happen.

"Are you sure about this Harry?" Lee asked.

"Are there any side effects Professor?" Harry asked his teacher.

"No Harry, it ether works or it doesn't." He didn't believe in the superstitious nonsense that stopped people from using the potion.

Harry nodded with conviction "Then yes." He took off his broken glasses and placed them on the side beside the sofa. Hopefully he wouldn't need them anymore.

Professor Snape lay Harry back on the sofa and brought out a tiny vile of light red liquid to begin the process.

"Oh My GOD….." Harry looked around in amazement. "Bloody hell. Thank you, professor; Thank You so much." Even Harrys glasses didn't help Harry see this clearly; it was wonderful.

"It's no trouble Harry."

"Thank you Professor." Eleanor shook the professors hand.

"He's one of my best students." Severus told them. "Maybe he'll be even better now. Although I suppose Slytherin doesn't stand a chance this year."

Oliver smiled from the corner of the room; if Harry was that good half blind he would now be unstoppable.

"Sorry Professor." Harry was still looking around the room as he spoke.

"It's okay Evans; It's only six more years until you graduate."

"Counting down the day's professor?"

"Don't cheek me Potter."

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