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As Harry stood at the entrance to the maze, he looked forward, then turned to the stands. His family and friends noticed and waved to him. He waved back.

Luna, Ginny, Genevieve, Fray, Dudley and the twins all had flower crowns on their heads. There were no daises. There were roses and tulips and water lilies. Dudley didn't look impressed but the twins loved theirs.

Cedric, having the most points, would be going in first. Then, one point behind, would be Harry, then Fleur, who was one point behind him.

Harry stood ready. He knew where to go. He needed to get to the cup before anyone else. If he didn't…

A second whistle blast came and Harry shot the maze turning left. He cast a lumos and carried on moving. A few moments later a third whistle brought Fleur into the maze.

It wouldn't take long for Fleur to follow him.

Harry continued to run though the darkness. His Lumos lighting his way. Before he got to the end of one of the paths, he found a lumos lighting his back.

Harry turned to see Fleur.

"Oh 'Arry, eet is just you. This place gives me the Creepers."

"Creeps." Harry agreed. "Come on, Fleur." He wouldn't leave her behind.

Hopefully she would want to go off on her own. However, she was a Veela. They always found themselves working in groups. She worked better with Family and she already saw Harry as a little brother. Her Soul mate saw him as such; even if she didn't realise it.

"Fleur, could you keep the lumos on us?"


Harry noxed his light and sent out a point me charm. "This way." Harry moved along in front of her. She kept watch everywhere else.

Harry didn't notice Cedric's presence until he was hanging upside down from Fleurs wand. His robes were smoking and his hair was wild. That last one might have something to do with hanging in the air.

"Woah, mercy, uncle! I mean you no harm." Cedric begged of them.

"Oh K'edric." Fleur let him down.

"Oof," Cedric dropped to the ground without ceremony, making complaining sounds about his ankle.


"Its fine." He stood up and straightened into a more Cedric like position. "You two working together, then?"

"It wasn't the plan, but yeah, I guess." Harry answered. "Come on, we need to hurry. This place is a living hell."

"We haven't seen anything yet-" Fleur began.

"What did you see?" Cedric asked Harry.

Harry looked at the young man. "Come on." He began following his wand again. The two older students followed him.

"Harry, what if we all reach the end together?"

"I don't want to win. I just want this over." Harry told them. They could see the tension in his face and voice. The two other champions nodded and moved on; following the younger boy further into the maze.

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