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Harry felt a body fall onto his legs. "Fuck." He cursed through the pain, but didn't take another second. The cup went flying away but he dumped the invisibility cloak- hastily pulled from under his shirt- onto his three friends.

"Don't you dare move!" Harry ordered in a hushed voice. "And don't make a Fucking sound!"

Seconds later Harry heard the footsteps. His heart fell; no time to think. This was not how it was supposed to happen. Fuck!

He turned to see two people. A couple, by the looks of things. They moved out of the shadows, and Harry got a good look at their faces.

One was a man; tall, with long blond hair and a snake cane. The other a woman, also blond, holding a bundle to her chest. They both wore entirely black clothing and had white masks on their heads. Harry could see their faces. Lucius Malfoy and Tatiana Westward, now Malfoy, if Witch Weekly was to be believed.

The woman would have been averagely beautiful, if not for an ugly scar on her right cheek. It was carved in the shape of a star. It was red and aggravated.

Harry turned to the cup but he had already been seen. This was not what he had planned.

"Ah, Mr Potter. How wonderful to have you here at last." Lucius said, lifting his wand. "Immobulus."

Harry lifted his wand in a silent spell and the curse bounced right off the shield.

"You're fast; I'll give you that." Lucius looked down at him. "Immobulus. Stupefy."

Harry waved his wand casting the shields. He needed to think. He needed to get the three of them out of here.

This went on for some time, until something unexpected happened. Lucius Malfoy tripped.

"Expelliarmus." Tatiana didn't even look at her Husband. She shot the wand from Harry's hand. His heart shot at the lack of a secondary wand. Fuck those wand pinching assholes. Damn, harry was swearing way more than usual.

"Acio wan-" Harry didn't have time finish. Lucius bound him to keep him still. Magic keeping Harry in place.

"Ouch." Harry moved against the binding, but found himself unable to move, not that he had expected anything different. "I know what you're doing." He told Lucius. In this moment he focused on wand less, nonverbal magic. Trying to will the bonds to weaken; Harry doubted he would be able to do it both without a wand and words. They would know if he spoke.

"Be quite, Potter."

"You're trying to bring him back."

"Potter shut up."

"It's a bad idea. He's a half blood you know. You've bound me to his MUGGLE fathers grave."

"Potter, I will make you shut up."

"Sorry." Harry closed his mouth but quickly spoke again. "Oh, congratulations, by the way. I heard you two got married."

"Potter- Silencio." Harrys' voice grew silent. He smiled; Lucius Malfoy hated being disrespected. Being angry made him more likely to make mistakes.

Lucius conjured a caldron to place in front of Harry. He and his new wife worked in silence.

The fire began and smoke billowed up into the air. Covered by the smoke Harry stole a look at where the invisibility cloak was. He could see three tiny pricks of brown. Wands. The three of them were holding out their wands just under the cloak. Ready for anything it seemed.

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