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"You okay, Farsight, mate?" Harry had just drifted off to sleep. The adrenalin had worn down and promptly knocked the boy out.

"Oh, Hey Ret you still awake..." Draco loved using the Nicknames. It made him feel connected to a higher purpose.

"Still a bit- oh god what does Hermione call it?"

"High strung?"

"Yeah proably. What about you?"Ron asked, as he placed Mandy into her mister for the night. Trevor quickly hopped over and Ron held the door open for him.

"Just thinking about my Father I guess."

"Ah, yeah? What about him?"

"Just thinking." Ron had learnt a thing from his mother and sister. He turned to Draco and glared.

"Uggh fine I was actually thinking about when my mother broke up with him. I wish I had been there to see It Ron. According to Dobby, my mother shouted the house down. She turned her back on everything my father believed him. Just for me."

"That must have been a sight."

"Dobby told me that all the paintings hid in the basement for HOURS! At least I haven't seen my father since that Christmas."

"Do you know the woman he's marrying?"

"Yeah. She's like this really low key dark witch. She was in school with my Cousin Dora. It's not fair."

"Does your mum seem happier now?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, she speaks to her sister, Andromeda, more now. And Sirius of course."

"What about you?"

"I don't know. I just hate that my dad forced us out." Draco tuned. "I mean, he didn't Actually force us out, but it wasn't like we had any other choice. Then he goes and marries HER! It's obvious it's just to give him a replacement Heir."

"Well, you still have your mum, and you're Sirius's Heir, right. Harry said he told Sirius that he didn't want you to have to split it."

"Well yeah. My mom knew he was getting married. For months. And she didn't tell me. I got her owl earlier."

"You're better without him, right Dray. He wasn't much of a father in the first place. If anything I would feel sorry for this 'replacement heir'; they have to suffer under that prick now."

"Yeah I guess I should-"

Draco was interrupted, when a scream ripped through the room. Draco moved up first. "Harry? Harry, come on!"

Ron leaned down by his bed. "Come on, Sparks, wake up! Harry…"

"Mate, wake up; its' alright." Harry had fallen to sleep before he managed to put his silencing charm up.

"Guys…" Panicked gasps pulled Harrys body as he woke up.

"Hey, nightmare again." Draco looked down at the boy through the darkness.

"Oh, sorry guys." Harry said groggily.

Ron let an amused snort come out of his nose. "Its fine mate. We hadn't gone to sleep yet."

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