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"Okay remember we're meeting the Woods outside Flourish and Blotts at Midday." Mrs Weasley told the group.

"Alright Mum." Ron nodded and the four nearly second years headed into the Robe shop. Draco wanted a new set of winter robes. Then they went to get parchment and quills.

"You should just get the mile." Harry suggested to Hermione as she was looking through the parchment.

"Yeah- but I only budgeted fifteen sickles for parchment."

"I'll give you the extra three." Harry shrugged and pulled a half mile from the shelf.

Hermione shook her head but agreed. "Hey can I speak to your mind healer when we get to school?"

"Oh har, har." Harry mocked her back as he went to stand by Draco and the quill boxes. Harry brought a set of thin quills and a new quilling knife (A gold one with a ruby on the handle).

"You should get the matching quill pot." Draco suggested.

"I don't know." Harry looked down at the price on it.

"Stop spoiling us and spoil yourself for a change." Hermione butted in.

"Yeah; alright." Harry picked them up and carried his items to the counter. "Could I have the knife; inkpot and the box engraved?"

The man nodded when Harry placed the money down. "Name?"

"Harry." The man looked at him. "Just Harry." The man shrugged and began to carve.

"Thanks." Harry placed his things in his bottomless bag and waited outside with Hermione. Draco couldn't decide on what he wanted and Ron was just being slow.

Harry brought two sets of Advanced Potion ingredients and some new equipment for his potion classes. Some of his had ended in tragedy. Both He and Draco got a new set of Dragon Hide gloves; then Hermione brought a new astronomy map.

"Right where now?" Hermione asked as they left the shop.

"I need to go to Olivanders." Ron told them. "My mom gave me some money for a new wand for getting top marks."

"That's great; I wanted a wand holster." Harry told them. "I need to stop putting my wand in my back pocket." He wasn't keen on the idea of losing a butt cheek.

"Right; Olivanders it is."

They crossed the Ally to the wand shop and squeezed into the small place.

"Ah Mr Potter, Miss Granger; Hello again. Now I've never seen you two."

"No sir; I favour a Veela hair wand." Draco told the man.

"Very temperamental wand young man; but if it works for you." Olivander shook his head and turned to Ron. "No what about you?"

"I'm here for a wand."

"Wonderful, Wonderful Mr…."

"Oh Weasley."

"Mr Weasley what is that wand you are holding."

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