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Dudley didn't really understand what happened in the next few days. All he really understood was that all the wizards had suddenly become very scared. Dudley had been stuck in the castle-school for two days; they hadn't been allowed to leave yet.

All the visiting families had been lumped together in a large room. He had been sleeping on a cool bed; that had been made by a scary Scottish witch.

"Mr Black, can I ask you a question?" Dudley asked, during the second morning at Hogwarts.

Sirius looked confused but as far as he could tell Dudley was a good guy. "Sure, what's up?"

"You knew Harry's parents, right?"

The older man looked confused. "Yes, we met when I was eleven. We went to school together."

"What was my aunts' name?" Dudley asked after a pause.

"Oh?" There was a pause and a pitying glance. "Lily. Lily Evans. Until she married my best mate James, that is."

"My mom- she never talked about her."

"She was a great woman, you're aunt. One of the best woman I have ever known."

"Thanks." Dudley stood up. "I need to go speak to Harry."

"Yeah, I have a call to make. Tell my godson that Remus says hi."

"Umm, sure, okay." There was one thing in the school that Dudley couldn't cope with. He froze in the middle of the corridor and watched the ghost float down the hall. She was wailing.

"Ouff." Dudley was bowled over by a girl in Harrys school uniform. Well it was blue not red. Dudley again wasn't sure why the colours were different.

"Oh. Umm sorry." Dudley told the girl on top of him.

"Oh Merlin, I'm sorry. Here." She held her hands out to help him up. She then waved her wand to straighten both of their clothes again. "Hey, you're Harry's muggle cousin, right?" She beamed.

"Yeah, umm, Dudley." He held his hand out. He felt a strange tingling across his body from the magic.

She smiled curiously but shook his hand. "Cho Chang. I've never met a muggle before."

"I'm a bit new on the wizard- err witch part too."

She smiled brightly at him. It was strange he hadn't seen many people smiling since the torment ended. Dudely had no idea why. "Harry seemed really happy to see you when you came." Cho shook her head. "From what I know he very rarely talked about his life in your house. I was surprised."

"My parents weren't very nice to him. I didn't think he would be happy to see me."

"He seemed happy enough." Cho told him. "He's in the library right now, if you're looking for him."

"Thanks." Dudley looked around. "Where would that be exactly?"

"Down, take a left." She pointed with her hand. "And walk down. The third turning. If you reach the stairs you've gone too far. The door you'll have to ask politely to get through…." She rattled off.

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