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"Harry! Harry!" Harry woke to being shook by Hermione.

"Hermione?" He asked as she loomed over him. There was a look of pure horror on her face.

"Oh Thank Merlin." Ron tuned with a huge sigh; his face dropping in relief.

"Why are you here; it's the boy's dorm?"

"You cat dragged me out of bed- you were screaming your bloody head off."

"Was I?" Harry was blinking in the light of six lumos wands.

"Yes!" Ron glared at him. He was not angry with Harry but was worried about his strange friend. "There is something wrong with you- seriously wrong."

"And if you don't tell us what it is we," Draco pointed to everyone around him. "Will drag you to Madam Pomphrey."

"I don't remember." He lied; he could still feel his uncles face glaring down at him from the memory.

"Dragon shit you don't!"

"Draco." Neville spoke softly and nudged past the blond. "You brought me a Herbology book for Christmas. You're the only person who knows how much I love that class. Harry you take the time to learn everything about people; to help them and make us better people. Don't you trust us enough to help you back?"

Harry closed his eyes at the emotion. "There are some things I j-"

Draco cut in already knowing what his friend was going to say. "My father once used black magic on me because I got a stain on a painting in my house. It was a painting of my Great grandmother. Everyone has secrets Harry; don't bare them alone you idiot."

"Harry. I only brush my teeth once a day- it may only be a small thing but it's the only way I have to be my own person- at least until I found out I could do magic." Hermione admitted her own secret; having dentists for parents made that a big thing for Hermione.

"I used to pee on Ginny's bed to embarrass her."

"Dude." Seamus turned to look at the red head; a horrified look on his face.

"What- I was the baby before she came along. Come on Harry, your turn."

"Please guys." Harry begged from his- now sitting- position on the bed.

"Harry." Hermione sat down; changing tactics. "We'll bring the twins down if we have to- maybe even Oliver. This isn't healthy. You were shrieking."

"I'm glad you care..."

"Yup." Dean nodded. "Now what is it mate? It's something bad. Was it you-know-who?" Harry just blinked. "Your Gran, your aunt and uncle. Was it-"

"Harry you flinched." Hermione put her hand on his shoulder. "What is it?"

"I know you weren't expecting presents from them?" Ron asked.

"Did they hurt you?" Draco pressed.

"Can't you all leave me to my privacy?" Harry shook Hermione off. "The whole world knows who I am, can't I have one secret- can you leave me to that?!"

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