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Harry loved living with Sirius and Remus. He felt at home in the new house.

There was a living room, dining room, Kitchen, Library and Sirius' art room on the ground floor. Guest bedrooms on the second floor with Sirius and Remus's bedrooms.

The tower spanned two floors. This was Harry's space. His bed was on the third floor; his books and work desk were on the fourth floor. Half the third floor was made into a huge clothes closet. Clearly stocked by Sirius; the clothes were plentiful and expensive. It challenged even Draco's closet.

The room was decorated in browns with only accents of reds and golds. It was warm and perfect for Harry. There were pictures of all his friends, and some of his parents.

Sirius had even built a Quidditch pitch; very similar to Oliver's behind the house. Sirius and Remus had built this house for Harry.

Yes, Sirius had a room for his painting projects. Remus had his library and space for Moony to run. But the whole house had been built so that Sirius could be the godfather he had always wanted to be; so that he could raise Harry the way he promised. In a house with no memories, no past, just a future. Even when Harry left.

After less than a week of Harry living with Sirius and Remus; the two men were each woken by a very agitated cat. Zana ran to wake up Sirius and then ran into Remus' room to do the same. She dragged the two men up to Harry's room by their ankles.

"This better be important, cat, or you will suffer a tragic and mysterious accident."

"Hisssss." She spat at his legs and turned to canter up the stairs.

The cat flap was still swinging when Sirius opened the door for Remus to follow him in. They looked over to the bed. Harry was shaking; moving back and forth. Crying out in his sleep. The cat was nudging and licking him to try and wake him.

"Harry. Harry. Come on Pup. Wake up." Sirius shook the boy gently.

Remus gripped the boys hand. "Harry it's alright. You're dreaming; wake up."

"Harry, wake up."

After a few shakes the boy began sweating and whimpering on his bed.

"Moony, what spell; that one to wake people up."

"Sirius it might scare him…"

"Moony, do it."

Remus paused only long enough for Harry to shriek. "Rennervate." As the spell hit him Harry screamed himself awake.

"Harry, I'm here pup." Sirius put on a kind face for his godson.

Harry took a deep breath as his cat came to settle herself in his arms. "Sirius? Remus?"

"Yeah, we're here. That must have been one hell of a nightmare."

"Sorry." Harry looked down at the cat, who was trying to comfort him.

Remus waved his wand and placed a glass of water in Harry's hands. "Don't be sorry, cub."

There was a long pause before Harry gave a half-hearted smile. "Thanks Ree."

"Have some of this, it'll make you feel better. Ok?" Harry smiled and took a small bite of the cho,colate.

"So what was your dream about?" Sirius asked.

"Just stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

Harry looked up at the two men. Sirius mothered Harry beyond belief. He wanted to go out to the Quidditch pitch the day before and Sirius smothered him in so much sunscreen he almost slid right off his broom. He made sure Harry ate all his vegetables and drank water- lots of water. He was worse than Mrs Weasley. Harry was lucky Remus was there to rain Sirius's overprotectiveness in.

"If I told you something; would you believe me?"

"Of course we would." Remus sat down beside Harry.

"What do you know about time travel…?"

The sun was streaming through the windows when Harry was finished talking. Sirius and Remus asked many questions. Who knew? Why did you say you were a seer? Wait if your friends know why do they call you a seer? Maybe you are a kind of seer?

"So you're preparing for a war Harry?" Remus asked.

"I don't have a choice I can't let him win." Harry told him. "I feel bad for dragging everyone into this but we don't have a choice. If he wins it won't be worth living."

"You sound like your mother." Sirius told him. "I promised them I would look after you."

"I know my place in this world Sirius. He's going to come after me; I need to beat him. I will beat him. I have so much to fight for…"

"And now you sound like your father. You really believe there's a war coming."

"I've seen it. I've seen him. I'm not my parents." He told them. "I have my own life. My own reasons to fight a war."

"You're a child Harry." Remus told him gently.

"I know Remus. I have so much life ahead of me. A life I am more than ready to fight for."

Sirius hugged his godson. "Harry what are we going to do with you?" He choked the words.

"Stand by me, Padfoot? Now, whilst I'm free to be a child. And again, whilst I fight for my beliefs." Harry looked up at the man.

Sirius and Remus looked into eyes that looked older than both of theirs did. Sirius rubbed his godson's hair. "If that's what you want Harry. We'll talk about this later."

"I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Never be sorry for telling us the truth Harry."

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