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Oliver had to help Harry into his dress robes. Harry had never liked dress robes; at least they weren't as restricting as a muggle suit.

"Do you really do this; every year?"

"Yeah. People like the Malfoys have the Christmas ball- Cancelled this year. Lady Malfoy was ill or something. Then there are the Halloween ones and midsummer… Mom makes me go to loads. This one's the worst I have to act as host."

"Oliver is your father a Lord?"

"No but my Mother is Lady Elting."


"Yeah her dad gave her the title when Aunt Jenny ran off with a German wizard. She could have the title back if she moved back to England. Even though Grandpa's not here anymore; it's in the will."

"Wouldn't she have to leave her husband?"

"No Grandpa said that didn't matter. What mattered was her living in another country with a British Ladyship."

"Are you lord then?"

"Not yet. Next year." Oliver didn't look too pleased at that. "If they don't move back before then; Aunt Jenny will never be able to have it. Neither will my cousins."

"The goblins said that I get mine when I'm fifteen?"

"Harry that's 'cause your dad's not around."

"Oh." Harry glanced out of the window at the snow. "So who's going to be here?"

"Quinins obviously." Oliver began to rattle off names of people Harry had barely even heard of. "Oh and your Granger friends and the Lovegoods."

"Ron's not coming?"

"As far as I'm away they usually go to the Diggorys place. There are fireworks down that end." Oliver shrugged. "Mom never lets me go."

"Boys are you dressed!"

"Mom I can't find my dress shoes!" Oliver called back down.

"If they're not in under your bed ask Clo!"

"Alright." Oliver headed back to his own room. "You should go down."

Harry nodded and headed down to the sitting room. Eleanor was pacing waiting for everyone by the floo. She had been getting dressed all morning.

She looked five years younger. She wore a silver dress and a pearl head dress. With pale make up she did look very beautiful. Harry wondered what his own mother would have worn for a party like this.

"Well don't you look dashing Harry."

"Thank you, you look nice." Harry tried to complement her.

"She looks radiant." Leslie stood in the door way.

"Lee." She rolled her eyes but it was obvious the two people loved each other truly. "Come on you great people at the door."

"What should I do?" Harry asked.

"Umm you could go and find your friend Miss Granger and wait in the ball room." Oliver had skipped quickly past this room on his tour of the house. He wasn't fond of it.

"Hermione?" Harry knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" She opened the door.

"Wow you look nice."

"You think so?"

"Yeah." Hermione had all her hair tied up. She was wearing a dark blue dress and black jewellery. She had also become a little taller. Harry suspected heals.

"It was my mom's old prom dress; I've always wanted to wear it. My mom's not that tall; I would have outgrown it soon."

"It suites you."


"We need to be down into the ball room soon."

"Oh coming. Happy new year by the way."

"We've got a couple of hours yet Hermione."

Gwendolen and Genevieve were matching as always in purple dresses. Luna arrived in a white dress; she was wearing the earrings Harry brought her for Christmas.

Harry had never realised how serious being a Lord would be. It was so boring. He had to talk to so many people he didn't know.

Oliver showed him what was expected of him but it was boring.

He danced with Hermione and Luna just to pass the time. Everyone thought it was cute but to hell if Harry was going to hear about the current economic climate one more time. He was twelve.

"You okay Harry?" Luna asked as they danced. It was a strange swaying sort of dance.

"I never realised how boring being a Lord could be." He was complaining to everyone he could.

"You're not a lord yet?"

"That's even worse."

Luna laughed. "Maybe you could marry a Lady and have her help you."

"I don't know; maybe."

"Well life will take you where it does." Luna spoke dreamily. "Hey I've always wanted to do a twirl thing. Where I poke my leg out and someone else twists me. Do you want to try?"

"Sure okay." Harry held her arm and put his hand on her shoulders.

"Eeee." Luna whispered as she spun; a smile on her face.

"Was that fun?"

"Yeah but I think Mrs Wood is asking for you."

Harry turned and looked over. Mrs Wood was standing over by a couple; she smiled over at Harry beckoning him.

"Well thanks for the dance Luna. I got a little escape."

"Well I had fun." She smiled and skipped over to her father.

"Harry I want to introduce you to Mr and Mrs Shortstreak."


"Mr Shortstreak designs bromes for many different companies."

"That's cool."

"Thank you, young man."

Harry couldn't wait for the night to be over. He wouldn't make a resolution this year.

"Night Harry, Happy new year."

"Happy new year Oliver." Harry entered his room and sighed in relief. He changed out of his robes and got into bed.

He was able to smile as he pulled the parchment from under his pillow. Under a lumos light he wished his father a happy new year.

"Mr Prongs wishes his son the happiest new year."

"Mr Moony shares these sentiments."

"Mr Padfoot hopes that Harry is able to play many pranks in the coming year."

"Mr Prongs agrees; Harry should play many pranks."

"Okay; I promise I'll try. Night guys."

"Good Night Harry."

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