Chapter 4

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"So what did you think?" I shrug my shoulders casually. "Yeah, wasn't too bad." I can hear Charlie breathe out heavily, pretending to be offended by my observation. Of course he was good but why give him the satisfaction of saying so? I can tell he knows he's good. "Come on Mia!" I roll my eyes even though he can't see because my eyes are focused on the road.

"You were alright." It takes all my energy to not burst into laughter and give away my lie. When I glance over at Charlie I can see him pouting in his seat and I can't keep a straight face anymore. Poking him playfully I say "Oh come on, don't feel bad, I'll practice a little elegance with you." I can see him relax a little in the corner of my eye. I think i can also see a smile forming on his lips.

"So... some of my friends wanna go to New York tomorrow. You wanna go too?" - "Omg yes!" His excitement makes me smile a little. It became so normal to us to go to New York whenever we want to. It's only a one hour train ride away so it's not a big deal but I guess to people that don't have this luxury it is. "You wanna ask some of your friends to come?" He reaches for his phone instantly, typing away. That could be interesting.

I've never hung out with the hockey boys like this before. Sure, we meet at parties and stuff but going to New York is different. Whenever we go there we hit some regular spots. It's like some sort of a ritual to us. I'm a bit nervous to see how it rolls with new people, but maybe some changes aren't too bad.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Charlie looks up from his dinner, confusion in his eyes. "Isn't it a bit late to go to the movies?" A small grin forms on my face. "I meant in our movie room." His eyes widen a little. Admittedly, I am very lucky to be living in such a big house, with two guest rooms and a movie room we have more than most of my friends. "That'll be cool I guess." I get up from my seat and walk over to our cabinets to make some popcorn.

Once I'm done I start walking towards the movie room. "Follow me" I say, a smile on my lips. I didn't think it was this easy to have a boy live here. When Principal Peters first told me I though it might feel a little weird first but Charlie is really easy-going and just nice to be around. "So what should we watch?" - "Whatever you want..." I grab the remote and hand it to Charlie. "Here, you choose." I sit down in the seat and wait for Charlie to sit down next to me.

For a second he seems a little unsure but then he sits down. He zaps through the variety of movies until, eventually, he chooses Street Dance: New York. A little unsure he looks over at me. "Is that good?" My eyes widen. "Have you not seen it? Omg! Press play already!" For a second we stare at each other before we both burst into laughter.

I truly love this movie but the longer we watch it the more tired I get. I steal a quick glance at Charlie but he seems wide awake and captured by the movie so I decide to just try my best to stay awake. It's really not that late yet either. I don't even know why I'm so tired. "Mia... wake up." Softly I can feel someone brush my cheek.

My eyes flutter open and I'm staring straight into Charlie's face. My head is resting on his shoulder. I quickly jump up and back over to my side of the seat. "Sorry" I mumble, unable to look at him. I guess I must have fallen asleep after all. "Hey, don't worry. You didn't snore." Charlie sounds really playful and I'm more than thankful for it. It takes a little bit of awkwardness out of the situation.

"You know, considering your reaction earlier I would have thought you'd find the movie less tiring." I finally bring myself to look up at him. His expression is full of happiness and fun. I can't sense any weird feelings. I guess he's cool about what just happened so I should be too. Not that much happened anyways. I playfully hit his arm as I get up to leave. "Come on, I guess it's time for bed."

My room is closer to the movie room than the guest room. We stop infront of my door and I look up at Charlie. For a second we both just stand there, unsure what to do. Rubbing his neck Charlie finally says "Sleep tight Mia." I can feel my lips curl up into a smile. "Good Night Charlie." When I step into my room a warm feeling spreads in my stomach. What is going on?


"We're going to New York after school. I guess we'll be home after dinner." My parents exchange a short look, I'm sure they thought I wouldn't see but I sure did. "What about practice?" Mum says. Of course they'd bring it up. "I'll do an extra hour Thursday morning before school." I turn to Charlie. "If it's ok with you to get up an hour early?" He just nods his head and continues eating his breakfast, visibly uncomfortable.

My mum looks at me like she always does when it comes to skating. Even though she doesn't pressure me in doing it, she sure does take my training seriously. If I were to say I truly don't wanna do it anymore she'd except that but as long as that isn't happening she wants me to take it seriously. "Mum, it's only once. Charlie isn't here to watch me practice all day." - "You're right Mia. Have fun." In the end my mum always trusts me.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now