Chapter 34

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"Mia, I'm so glad to see you!" Sarah pulls me into a tight hug. She's been waiting in front of the school when Charlie and I pulled up. It's weird having Charlie drive me to school in my car but it's also nice because this way mum or dad don't need to bother taking and grabbing me. I dread to think about how that will feel once Charlie leaves on Friday. I'll feel like a preschooler again, being driven to school by my parents. "What did I miss?" - "Nothing much. I'll give you my notes." I nod as a thank you.

"Alright, car is parked" Charlie says as he hands me the keys. He dropped me off right in front of the doors before taking the car to the parking lot so I didn't have to walk over with my crutches. "I'll take her bag so you can get to your class." Charlie looks at me as if to ask if I'm ok with that so I nod once again. "I can skip practice if you want." I shake my head. "No, don't. You already missed school yesterday because of me. I'll come by and watch." - "I'll be your company." I shoot Sarah a thankful smile. She knows it'll be hard for me to be at the rink knowing I won't be on the ice for weeks.

"So, is your mum better?" I completely forget my mum didn't just act unfair towards Charlie, she also kicked Sarah out for now real reason. "She's still disappointed but I told her everything so I guess she's a bit more understanding now. I can't blame her for being mad though, I'm mad at myself for acting that way." Sarah doesn't say anything else, we just walk to class in silence.


"Mia, I didn't expect to see you here today!" Coach Lewis comes walking over towards Sarah and me. Until now I was ok sitting up in the bleachers, watching Charlie. Sure, it hurts to not be able to give in to the pull of the ice but I handled it. Having to talk to Coach Lewis and tell her how damn stupid I acted is a whole different story. "Hey Coach Lewis." She sits down next to me, saying hello to Sarah too. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" I don't think she knows exactly how I hurt my ankle. It isn't like my mum to just tell a story that isn't hers, so I'm sure she just told what was necessary. "I was tired and I overestimated myself. It was stupid and I'm really sorry." I didn't look at her while talking but now I do look up. There's concern on her face.

"It's not like you to act that way, are you sure there's nothing more?" If I told her the reason I was on the ice, told her what Kaylie did, I'm sure it would have consequences but what's the use? What she did was wrong but any action I would take about it would just give her attention and I won't let that happen. "It's all good now." I look down at my ankle thinking well, not all. "You're welcome to come to training any time you want but I'd understand if you need some time." I nod helplessly. Right now it's the last thing I want to do. I don't want to watch the others do what I love while I can't. The whistling of Coach Parkers whistle makes Coach Lewis say her goodbyes and head down to the rink as the other girls will be coming soon. "Let's get out of here." Sarah doesn't say anything but helps me get down the bleachers. Together we quickly leave the rink before we can run into any of the others.

"You're so quiet." We're already halfway home and Charlie speaks so suddenly I'm a little startled. "Sorry" I mumble. I haven't said a thing so far. When he came out from practice I was already waiting at the car. Sarah had to catch her bus so I was by myself. I had seen the others, including Kaylie, walk into the rink but luckily they didn't see me. I couldn't have handled their pitiful looks. "I just don't know what to say." It's the truth. It's like my mind is empty. "I know five weeks seems like forever but you can do this." Reaching for my hand he adds "I believe in you." I look over and shoot Charlie a weak smile. I wish I'd believe in me too.


"How was school?" Mum is in the kitchen working on dinner when Charlie and I enter the house. "Alright I guess." I take a look at the food mum's making and even though it looks delicious I can't even consider eating something right now. "Mum, I'm really tired. Do you mind if I skip dinner and go to bed?" For just a second I can see concern flashing over her face but she quickly gathers herself. "Sure, get some rest honey." Charlie follows me down the hallway because he's carrying my bag. Inside my room he puts it down in the corner. "Can I help you with anything?" I weakly shake my head and let myself fall onto the bed. I move into the corner, pulling my legs up, as good as I can. I must have hit a bad angle because my ankle hurts badly and makes me catch my breath. Charlie is by my side in a second. "Are you ok?" I force a smile onto my lips even though my ankle still hurts badly. "I'm fine." - "Are you sure I can't do anything?" I shake my head, still working hard on keeping the smile on my lips. "Go have some dinner. You had an intense practice, you need the energy." I can tell he doesn't like this but after a few moments of consideration he turns around reluctantly and walks out of my room. The second he closes the door silent tears start streaming down my face.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now