Chapter 38

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"You should have told me!" I look down at my hands ashamed. "I know" I mumble without looking up. "I just thought... I don't know. You liked him and I..." Suddenly I feel arms wrapping around me. "I love you Mia." Finally, I look up into Sarah's soft warm eyes. "I love you too." Sarah sits back down and mumbles "I still can't believe he's such a disgusting guy." - "I wish I could say I'm surprised but..." She nods understandingly. I knows I always thought he's not the best guy but we both know I wouldn't have thought he'd go this far. As I said, I'm not surprised but I wouldn't have imagined it either.

"Thanks again for telling me." I hug Sarah once more before I jump back over to the car on one foot. Charlie's arm is safely wrapped around me so I don't have to use my crutches. "What do you wanna do?" Charlie asks as soon as we're in the car. "I don't know." I know I said I'll handle it but right now I have no idea how. Charlie reaches for my hand and squeezes it softly. "We'll figure it out." It's the same thing he said after I told him I'm worried about our future. Once again, I want to believe him but I feel kind of lost right now.

"He sacrificed my future because he has a stupid crush on me." As soon as I say it I know it sounds as crazy as it is. "He's got a serious problem." If this is his reaction to his feelings not being returned he definitely does. What's the worst is that I didn't even know he liked me. How am I supposed to return his feelings if he doesn't show them? He only asked me to be his date for the party when he knew Charlie was in the picture. I would have rejected him before, yes, but how can he expect me to not date anyone if I don't even know he likes me?

"You should tell your parents." We're just about to pull into our parking lot. Charlie parks the car and then he looks at me expectantly. "What's the use?" - "There have to be consequences." He's right but shouldn't I be the one to solve this mess? Not my parents? And, frankly, it would feel really weird to say hey mum, dad, there kinda is this guy that has a crush on me and instead of asking me out he first told Charlie to back off and then told Kaylie to make out with him to break my heart - yeah, I don't really need that conversation. "I'll talk to him first."

I don't know what I expect from talking to Lukas but it's all I can come up with right now. "Fine, but I'll be there." I shake my head slightly. Softly, I brush my hand against Charlie's cheek. "He won't talk to me if you are. I'll handle it." Charlie places his hand on top of mine, keeping it right where it is. For a moment he doesn't say anything and I think I can see his mind working out whether or not to agree. "Alright" he finally says. Without any further discussion he gets out of the car, grabs our stuff and helps me out. Once again I wrap my arm around his shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist so I can jump to our door instead of walk with my crutches. It must look really funny but I like it way better.


"So you finally couldn't resist me anymore, could you, Carter?" - "My name is Mia" I say firmly as I sit down across from Lukas. I asked him to meet me at the café near school. Charlie drove me over but I asked him to park the car somewhere nearby and wait there so Lukas won't see him. "Hey" he's holding up his hands in defense "got up on the wrong foot today?" I can't believe he can act like nothing happened. He saw me walking in with my crutches and he knows he's responsible yet he acts like nothing happened.

"Is there anything you'd like to tell me?" I look at him challenging, giving him a chance to finally tell the truth and apologize. Maybe, if he'd realize he made a mistake, maybe I could find a way to live with this. "Ehm... you look amazing?" It's not a statement, it's a question. Like he's wondering if that's what I wanted to hear. The last bit of hope about him having at least a little decency leaves me and I reluctantly sigh. "I thought you might want to tell me about you and Kaylie." Just for a second his eyebrows raise in shock but he gathers himself so quickly it could have easily been missed.

"I don't know what you mean. Is she telling people she made out with me now? Wasn't Charlie enough?" I catch my breath. How can he say something like this so casually? "You tell me." Lukas is a such a good actor. Apart from his small reaction moments ago there isn't a hint of surprise, regret or even worry that I caught him. "How would I know? I hardly spoke two words with her in my life." - "Oh did you. Interesting. I could have sworn yesterday after practice it was a few words more." There is a reaction - finally! His eyes look around the café, his lips distort in a failed attempt to keep his smooth smile up and he reaches for the sleeves of his hoodie. He's nervous. "I don't know what you are talking about." I raise an eyebrow. "Seriously? That's what you're going for?" This is his last chance at an apology. If he says it now I'll hear him out. But instead of an apology something completely different comes out of his mouth. I can't believe it when he says "It's all his fault!"

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now