Chapter 36

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"Wait a second, what about your practice?" We're almost at the car when I realize it. A smirk on his face Charlie says "I'm ditching today." Without waiting for my response he puts our stuff into the car and opens the passengers door for me. "Charlie, you shouldn't do that for me." He walks around the car jumps into the drivers seat. Turned towards me he says "I'd rather have a fun afternoon with you than be stuck in there and play hockey." Against my better judgement I smile and him and lean over to brush my lips against his. I know I shouldn't be encouraging him to dump his practice but spending the afternoon with him instead of waiting for his practice to be over is a rather nice thought. Also, he'll be leaving in two days so I appreciate every minute I get to spend with him.

"So, what are we doing?" By now Charlie has started driving and I can tell this isn't the way home.  Instead, we seem to be driving towards the little lake near school. "We're having a picnic. Well, almost anyways. We have to grab something to eat on the way. Any wishes?" I think about it for a moment. "Actually, yes. Take a left at the next intersection." Charlie follows my guidance until we get to the little Mexican takeaway place Sarah and I go to from time to time. We haven't been here in a while and I suddenly had this huge craving for taco's. With my taco's and Charlie burrito in the back of the car we make our way towards the lake. It's a nice day but it's not too hot outside so the lake isn't that crowded. When we pull into the parking lot I wonder why I don't come here more often. It's so beautiful.

"How did you know about this?" I ask Charlie once we have spread out the blanket he brought. "Sarah" he says with a smirk. He's really pulling out all the secret spots, isn't he? I smile at him happily and place a small kiss on his cheek before I focus on my taco's. They taste even better than I remember! When we're done eating Charlie wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer. Resting my body against his chest I watch the water. "Thank you for standing up for me" I say after a while. "I couldn't let her spread those lies about you." I'm really glad he was there. I wouldn't have had the courage to step out of my hiding spot and defend myself. I would have kept quiet and let her spread those awful lies. Even though it wasn't a complete lie, was it? I know mum said the doctor's found traces of alcohol in my blood. I wouldn't say I was drunk but I wasn't 100% sober either.

"Wait a moment. What where you doing there if you planned on ditching practice?" - "I was looking for you. I met Sarah on her way out and she said you were going to grab your stuff. I wanted to see if I could give you a hand." I turn my head slightly so I can look at Charlie. "I'm really glad you were there." I would have never thought Kaylie would go this far. By now I know I wasn't wrong about thinking she had it out for me but spreading a lie like this? Kissing Charlie to get back at me is one thing but ruining my reputation as a skater like that? This is a whole new level. "I don't get it. She won. I'll never be back in shape for the competition so she's the schools new top priority. Why tell a lie like this?"

For a while Charlie and I stay quiet, both thinking about it. Finally, he says "I guess she must feel insanely threatened by you. Like, once you're back she knows you'll be the number one again. I've see her train, she isn't even close to being as good as you. Maybe she thought if people would see you as irresponsible they'll back her up." - "Mhm" I mumble. He could be right. When he says seems possible. "I wish I'd known how she feels. I could have done something." I never wanted anyone to feel like they're living in my shadow. If she's going through such lengths she must be feeling really bad. "It's not your fault you're more talented." I shake my head against Charlie's chest. "But I could have stepped back every now and then. When I get back I'll pay more attention to the others."

"Let's talk about something else." I don't want to think about Kaylie anymore. This is such a beautiful place and a really sweet gesture of Charlie to take me here. I don't want it to be overshadowed by a topic like this. "Tell me what to expect when I come visit you." Out of nowhere Charlie starts bursting into laughter. "For starters it will be cold. In two months it'll be freezing!" I turn my head around once again. The brightest smile on my face I say "I'll have you to keep me warm." An equally bright smile appears on Charlie face. "You most certainly will." Without any warning Charlie kisses me so fiercely, for a moment I forget how to breath. His kiss sends waves of electricity through my whole body.

"I'll miss this" I whisper once we pull apart slightly. Charlie tilts his head, visibly confused. "You. I'll miss you." And I'll miss the feeling of his lips on mine, his breath making my skin tingle. I'll miss the feeling of his arms wrapped around me. I'll miss the way he smiles when he's happy and the way he smirks when he's having an idea. "It's only two months." - "Yeah, and who knows how long after that." I don't know where this came from but suddenly I'm incredibly sad. I don't want him to leave. "We'll figure it out" Charlie whispers before he kisses me once again.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now